Residential Codes
CR200-05 - Introduction to 2018 IRC with Significant Changes (7)
CR203-05 - 2018 Residential Building Inspector (4)
CR203-06 - 2018 Residential Building Inspector (7)
CR203-07 - 2018 Residential Building Inspector (28)
CR204-04 - Performing IRC Plan Review (3)
CR206-06 - IRC Significant Changes 2012-2018
CR206-07 - IRC Significant Changes 2018 (3)
CR206-08 - Significant Changes 2012-2018 IRC (7)
CR206-09 - Significant Changes 2012-2018 IRC (3)
CR206-10 - Significant Changes 2018 IRC, IECC, & IPC (16)
CR206-11 - Significant Changes 2012-2018 IRC (8)
CR206-12 - Significant Changes 2018 IRC (4)
CR206-13 - Significant Changes to the 2021 IRC (4)
CR211-00 - Mold Properties and Prevention (14)
CR212-00 - Inspecting Building Construction in Crawlspaces (3)
CR212-01 - Inspecting Building Systems in Crawlspaces (3)
CR213-00 - 2016 State of Tiny Houses in Tennessee (4)
CR213-01 - '16 State of Tiny Houses in Tennessee (3)
CR214-00 - IRC Introduction to Seismic Provisions (3)
CR214-01 - Introduction to IRC/IBC Seismic Provisions (7)
CR214-02 - Introduction to IRC/IBC Seismic Provisions (3)
CR215-01 - Deck Construction (1)
CR217-00 - 2018 IRC Alterations, Renovations & Additions (3)
CR219-00 - 2018 IRC Chapter 3 Basic Residential Parameters (4)
CR219-01 - 2018 IRC Chapter 3 Basic Residential Parameters (1)
CR220-00 - Residential Frame Construction (4)
CR220-05 - Continuous Load Path (1)
CR221-01 - Residential Framing Issues (3)