July 25, 2014 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from April 11, 2014, and June 30, 2014
C. JROTC Course Substitution for Personal Finance
Consent reading of an item that aligns policy to allow three years of JROTC to substitute for Personal Finance, if the JROTC instructor attends the Personal Finance training, to match the State Course Code document.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. State Board of Education Instructional Materials Review Template
First reading of an optional tool LEAs may elect to use or modify to highlight the content of non-textbook reading assigned to students.
B. Algebra I Employment Standards, Policy & Rule
First reading of revisions to the Algebra I employment standard to allow teachers who receive a passing score on a supplemental test in the content area approved for this purpose by the Department of Education and who have a license up to grade 8, to teach Algebra I at any level.
C. Preliminary List of Mathematics Textbooks, Section 1
First reading of the preliminary list of approved textbooks for mathematics.
D. Cursive Writing Standards
First reading of standards related to the skill of cursive writing as per Public Chapter 781.
E. Work-Based Learning, Policy & Rule
First reading of a policy and rule update to ensure that student experiences meet rigorous learning expectations as well as the safety and legal requirements for minors in the workplace.
F. This item was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
G. Educator Preparation Policy
First reading of a policy that offers a new approach to the approval of educator preparation providers (EPPs) that maintains those aspects of our process that continue to be relevant and useful, while incorporating the new Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards and adopting processes for the ongoing approval of specialty area programs based on annual reporting processes.
Educator Preparation Policy Attachment
H. Extended Use of School Buses, Rule
First reading of a rule that aligns TCA 49-6-2109 with Board Rule 0520-01-05-.01 relative to the years of service for school buses.
I. Unsafe School Choice Policy
First reading of a policy amendment replacing “battery” with “aggravated assault”.
Attachment: Unsafe School Choice Policy 4.202
J. School Facilities, Rule
First reading of an amendment deleting obsolete language relative to the role of the State Architect.
K. Charter School Authorizer Policies
First reading of new policies relative to the State Board’s role as a charter school authorizer.
Charter School Authorizer Attachment
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Uniform Grading Policy
Final reading of changes to the Uniform Grading Policy including guidance regarding calculation.
B. Uniform Grading, Rule
Final reading of changes to the Uniform Grading Rule including guidance regarding calculation.
C. Occupational Diploma, Rule
Final reading of rule change adding specifications for an occupational diploma as required by TCA §49-6- 6001(g).
D. Category II Non-Public School Accrediting Agencies
Final reading of the applications for renewal of the various agencies approved to operate Category II Non- Public Schools.
Attachment B & C Attachment D, E, & F
E. Advance Placement Course Update to Board Policy 3.205
Final reading of update to SBE Policy 3.205 to reflect Advanced Placement course offerings of the College Board and to align footnotes in the academic portion of Policy 3.205 with the Career and Technical Education updates that were approved on final reading at the January 2014 SBE meeting.
F. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
G. Substitute Teacher Compensation, Rule
Final reading of a rule that deletes obsolete language related to payments for substitute teachers.
H. Child Nutrition Programs, Rule
Final reading of a rule change adopting the federal school nutrition guidelines and setting limits on the number of days that schools can have food-based fundraisers.
I. Charter Schools Appeals, Policy and Rule
Final reading of a rule change that reflects the charter school appeals process as required by Public Chapter 850.
Charter School Appeals Policy 2.500 Attachment
J. Educator Licensure, Policy and Rule
Final reading of changes to the policy and rule relative to the advancement and renewal of teacher licenses.
K. Professional Education Unit and Specialty Area Program Approvals
Final reading of recommendations for continued approval of 11 teacher preparation providers.
L. Physical Education Student Growth Model Option
Final reading of a model designed to measure individual student learning growth in physical education.
M. LEA Alternative Salary Schedules
Final reading of locally approved alternative salary schedules for Rhea County and Sequatchie County school districts.
N. Alternative Administrator Evaluation Models
Final reading of a program that Hamilton County and the Achievement School District piloted for new administrator models during 2013-14. The Department of Education would like to recommend for approval as alternate administrator evaluation models.
O. High School Policy – Elective Focus
Final reading of an amendment allowing for LEAs to waive the elective focus requirement.
P. Basic Education Program (BEP) 2.0 Allocations for Fiscal Year 2014-15
Final reading of BEP allocations for fiscal year 2014-15.
Q. Basic Education Program (BEP) State Minimum Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2014-15
Final reading of BEP State minimum salary schedule for fiscal year 2014-15.
R. Textbook Bond Requirement, Rule
Final reading of this withdrawal of a rule that is in conflict with state law on textbook bond requirements.
S. Chemistry Standard Setting
Final reading of student performance levels for Chemistry End-of-Course assessment.
IV. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) Default Actions
A. TSAC Defaults
Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation as being in default on a student loan pursuant to T.C.A. 49-5- 108(d)(2).
A. Anderson, Ronald B.- Revocation, automatic
B. Brown, Robert E.- Formal Reprimand
C. Bryant, Kimberly Ann Atkinson- Denial of Reinstatement
D. Depriest, Devri A.- Revocation
E. Dunavant, Joseph Tillman- Revocation
F. Farmer, Thomas A. – Revocation, concurrent, with contingency
G. Fromby, Allegra- Revocation, concurrent
H. Hamrick, Jason- Formal Reprimand
I. Hathaway, Kacey Jo- Suspension, one (1) year, with contingency
J. Hawkins, Marilou Morgan- Suspension, one (1) year, with contingency
K. Hudson, Greg- Suspension, one (1) year
L. Jennings, Marcus- Revocation
M. Kelley, Earl Scott- Revocation, automatic
N. Marchionda, Albert- Revocation, automatic
O. Matthews, Andrea- Formal Reprimand
P. Mitts, Jennifer- Suspension, one (1) year
Q. Mora, Reynaldo- Revocation
R. Phipps, Travis- Revocation, concurrent
S. Raines, Ashley Lynn- Revocation
T. Smith, Jill Hill- Revocation, concurrent
U. Smith, Kelly A.- Revocation
V. Swafford, James – Denial of Reinstatement
W. Totty, Charles Adam- Denial, concurrent
X. Wilburn, Arlen- Revocation
Y. Yokely, Jarral- Denial of Reinstatement
VII. Adjournment