April 18, 2013 Workshop
12:00 PM Welcome
Chairman Fielding Rolston
12:05 PM State Minimum Salary Schedule and Differentiated Pay Plan Policy
Commissioner Kevin Huffman
1:00 PM Social Studies Standards
Mr. Jared Myracle
1:45 PM Geography
Mr. Kurt Butefish
Mr. Bob Kirkland
Mr. Neill Jobe
2:00 PM Special Education Update
Dr. Kathleen Airhart
Mr. Joey Hassell
Mr. Robert Paternak
3:00 PM Principal Evaluation – Revision of Rubric and Process
Dr. Sara Heyburn
3:15 PM Common Core State Standards, 2013-14 Implementation Plan
Ms. Emily Barton
3:45 PM High School Equivalency Testing Program (HiSET)
Ms. Marva Doremus
4:00 PM Questions on Agenda Items
Chairman Fielding Rolston
4:15 PM Adjournment