June 30, 2014 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Child Nutrition Programs, Rule
First reading of a rule change adopting the federal school nutrition guidelines and setting limits on the number of days that schools can have food-based fundraisers.
Attachment: Child Nutrition Programs
B. Charter Schools Appeals, Policy & Rule
First reading of a rule change that reflects the charter school appeals process as required by Public Chapter 850.
Attachment: Charter School Appeal Policy 2.500
C. Educator Licensure, Policy & Rule
First reading of changes to the rule and policy relative to the advancement and renewal of teacher licenses.
Attachment: Licensure Policy
Attachment: Licensure Rule
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Educator Licensure Renewal, Rule
Final reading of the withdrawal of a rule that reflects the Board’s action relative to teacher licensing.
VII. Adjournment