July 22, 2016 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from April 15, 2016 and May 27, 2016
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Special Education Programs and Services, Rule 0520-01-09-.11
First reading of an item to revise the special education programs and services rule to better align to
updated clinical disability definitions and best practices and allow for improved portability between states
in regards to eligibility. These revisions are the result of recommendations from a disability task force that
convened on March 15, 2016, to review each disability category.
B. Standards for Special Education Evaluation & Eligibility
First reading of an item to revise the guidelines and standards for determining program eligibility criteria,
evaluation procedures, and evaluation participants to better align to updated clinical disability definitions
and best practices and allow for improved portability between states in regards to eligibility. These
revisions are the result of recommendations from a disability task force that convened on March 15,
2016, to review each disability category.
C. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
First reading of an update to the policy to require the completion of a performance assessment.
D. Science Standards
First reading of newly revised science standards. These standards if approved will be implemented in the
2018-19 school year.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
E. Fine Arts Standards
First reading of newly revised fine arts standards. These standards if approved will be implemented in
the 2018-19 school year.
F. Physical Activity Policy 4.206
First reading of an item to align with the policy with the new requirements of Public Chapter 669 passed
during the 2016 Legislative Session.
G. Health Education and Lifetime Wellness Standards
First reading of newly revised health education standards. These standards if approved will be
implemented in the 2018-19 school year.
H. State Approved Textbooks - Section B (Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; STEM, Health Science;
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Architecture and Construction)
First reading of the preliminary adoption list for textbooks in CTE B: agriculture, food and natural
resources; STEM, health science; transportation, distribution, and logistics; architecture and construction.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6
Attachment 7 Attachment 8 Attachment 9 Attachment 10 Attachment 11
I. School Counseling Model and Standards Policy 5.103
First reading of revised school counseling model of practice and standards. The current school counseling
model and standards were last updated in 2005 and were in part based on the American School
Counseling Association (ASCA)’s national model. In that time, the national model and standards have
been revised twice. The revised Tennessee model and standards will provide guidance for districts in
developing strong school counseling programs.
J. High School Courses Policy 3.205
First reading for an elective course for ACT preparation. This new course is intended to standardize the
rigor and component of ACT preparation courses that are typically offered through special course
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
K. Nursing Education Standards
First reading to update Therapeutic Nursing Standard 15 to modify the assignment from a paper to a
Nursing Care Plan. Changing the assignment to a Nursing Care Plan allows for real world application of
knowledge and increases rigor. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of patient care and skills to
a real patient they are caring for. This models the work of the registered nurse in the patient care area.
L. Employment Standards, Rule 0520-01-02-.03
First reading to revise employment standards for career and technical education supervisory positions.
The revision expands the requirements for meeting position qualifications to include completion of the
career and technical core competencies for professional development matrix. This change will allow for
consistency among all new career and technical education supervisors with meeting the employability
standards. This change will also allow for increased engagement in professional development aimed at
meeting other federal requirements for career and technical education.
M. Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools Rule 0520-01-03
First reading of an item to update this policy by removing out of date content and aligning the policy to
legislation passed during the 2016 General Assembly.
N. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
First reading of an item to update this policy to align with Public Chapter 957 which sets requirements for
locally adopted grading systems.
O. Curriculum Frameworks Policy 3.200
First reading of an item to remove this policy. Since the State Board has adopted the Standards Review
Policy which more accurately details the State Board’s role of adopting academic standards. This policy is
no longer needed.
P. Performance Model Policy 2.100
First reading of an item to remove this policy. Since the State Board now adopts annual performance
goals and objectives for achievement and achievement gap closure, this policy is no longer needed.
Q. Reading Policy 3.104
First reading of an item to remove this policy. The Department of Education has initiated the Read to be
Ready reading and literacy campaign. This policy is no longer needed.
R. Creation or Reactivation of City School Systems, Rule 0520-01-08
First reading of item to update this rule to align with current law and practice.
S. Non-Public Schools Administrative Rules, Rule 0520-07-01
First reading of an item to remove a reference to Category VII schools as Tennessee no longer has
Category VII schools.
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
Final reading of changes to include revised service hours and placement based on the new English
Language Proficiency battery of assessments, i.e., the WIDA ACCESS, the W-APT, the model, the best
practices related to the new WIDA Can Do descriptors.
B. High School Policy 2.103
Final reading of an item to update this policy clarifications regarding required assessments, including the
ACT/SAT have been added.
C. High School Examinations Policy 3.400
Final reading of an item to eliminate this policy. This change would delete the high school examinations
policy and move the content to the High School Policy 2.103.
D. Guidelines for Use of TVAAS Data Policy 3.402
Final reading of an item to remove this policy since the use of TVAAS is covered by other policies and
rules and state law. This policy is no longer needed.
E. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
Final reading of an update to the policy to revise cut scores for a subset of required Praxis content exams.
F. Physical Education Standards
Final reading of newly revised physical education standards. These standards, if approved, will be
implemented in the 2017-18 school year.
G. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.09
Final reading of rule changes for Board disciplinary action for particular types of infractions.
H. Standards for School-Administered Early Childhood Programs and School Aged Before and After School
Programs, Rule 0520-12-01
Final reading of a change to comply with federal/state laws and more recent State Board rules.
I. Recommendations for Professional Education Unit & Licensure Programs
Final reading of an item that presents findings from the review of educator preparation providers and
their programs. There are two providers included in this item, Bethel University and Trevecca Nazarene
J. Statewide Dual Credit Agriculture Courses
Final reading of learning objectives/course standards for two statewide dual credit agriculture courses.
These courses are the first of several to complete the statewide dual credit pilot cycle established under
PC 967, and were developed and reviewed by secondary and postsecondary educators from across the
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
K. Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading of an item to update the policy to reflect legislative changes made around evaluation and
pre-k/ k portfolio use. These revisions also include a recommendation for approval of a 1st grade
student growth portfolio model for use in the 2016-17 school year.
L. Basic Education Program (BEP) Allocations for Fiscal Year 2016-17
Final reading of BEP allocations for Fiscal Year 2016-17.
M. Annual Performance Goals and Objectives for Achievement and Achievement Gap Closure
Final reading of the state and LEA annual measurable objectives for the 2016-17 school year.
A. Sarah Daily – Suspension, two (2) years
B. Carl Masters Jr. – Denial of reinstatement
C. Heather Mummert – Revocation
D. Jill Pierce-Hobbs – Suspension, two (2) years
E. Lindsay Walton -- Revocation
F. William Wells -- Revocation
V. Adjournment