April 15, 2016 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from January 29, 2016
C. Language in Career & Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards
Consent consideration of a technical correction to Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards
to remove outdated references to the Common Core Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies,
Science, and Technical Subjects Grade 6-12.
II. Report Items
A. Blue Ribbon Schools Recognition
Report on the Tennessee 2015 Blue Ribbon Schools.
B. Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition
Report on the Tennessee 2015 Title I Distinguished Schools.
III. Resolutions
A. Tennessee State Board of Education Resolution 2016-01, by A. Chancey, et al
A resolution to recognize the mathematics and English language arts educator advisory teams and
Standards Recommendation Committee.
IV. Action Items (First Reading)
A. ESL Program Policy 3.207
First reading of changes to include revised service hours and placement based on the new English
Language Proficiency battery of assessments, i.e., the WIDA ACCESS, the W-APT, the model, the best|
practices related to the new WIDA Can Do descriptors.
B. High School Policy 2.103
First reading of an item to update this policy by removing out of date content and adding in a new section
on credit recovery.
C. High School Examinations Policy 3.400
First reading of an item to eliminate this policy. This change would delete the high school examinations
policy and move the content to the High School Policy 2.103.
D. Guidelines for Use of TVAAS Data Policy 3.402
First reading of an item to remove this policy since the use of TVAAS is covered by other policies and rules and state law. This policy is no longer needed.
E. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
First reading of an update to the policy to revise cut scores for a subset of required Praxis content exams.
F. Physical Education Standards
First reading of newly revised physical education standards. These standards, if approved, will be
implemented in the 2017-18 school year.
G. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.09
First reading of an item to outline and formalize Board disciplinary action for particular types of infractions.
H. Standards for School-Administered Early Childhood Programs and School Aged Before and After School Programs, Rules 0520-12-01
First reading of a change to comply with federal/state laws and more recent State Board rules.
V. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Math Standards
Final reading of Tennessee Academic Standards for mathematics. These standards if approved would be
implemented in the 2017-18 school year. The new math standards have been developed in accordance
with the standards review process outlined in Public Chapter 423. Standards are included for grades K-8,
the required high school courses of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II (or Integrated Math I, II, III) as well as the
options for the required fourth year math course. This item has changed since first reading.
B. English Language Arts Standards
Final reading of new English language arts standards for implementation in the 2017-18 school year. The
new English language arts standards have been developed in accordance with the standards review
process outlined in Public Chapter 423. Standards are included for grades K-12. This item has changed
since first reading.
C. Removal of Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Grades 6-12
Final reading of an item to remove the Common Core State Standards for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. State Board and Department staff are working with the standards review
teams of each subject area to embed literacy standards within each of those subjects’ standards. This will
result in a Tennessee specific approach to content area literacy standards. No changes since first reading.
D. Permanent Elective Courses for English Language Arts
Final reading of permanent elective courses to be established for the 2017-18 school year in English language arts. No changes since first reading.
E. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
Final reading to revise current educator preparation policy preconditions for new providers by providing
flexibility related to financial and organizational capacity. No changes since first reading.
F. Charter School Appeals Policy 2.500
Final reading of revisions to the charter school appeals policy in order to provide additional clarity around
the State Board’s appeal process. No changes since first reading.
G. Employment Standards Rule 0502-01-02-.03
Final reading of updated employment standards rule that outlines standards for non-licensed educational
interpreters in Tennessee. No changes since first reading.
H. Educational Interpreters Policy 5.400
Final reading of an item to revise the policy concerning educational interpreters. This item is part of a
series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having educational
interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing will have
equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee. No
changes since first reading.
I. Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.04
Final reading of an item to amend the licensure rule to add an educational interpreters license. This item
is part of a series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having
educational interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing
will have equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee.
No changes since first reading.
J. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
Final reading of an item to amend the licensure policy to add an educational interpreters license. This item
is part of a series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having
educational interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing
will have equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee.
No changes since first reading.
K. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
Final reading of a change to the professional assessments policy that outlines the assessment
requirements for candidates of the educational interpreter license. No changes since first reading.
L. Special Education Intervention Course
Final reading of two new courses: Special Education Intervention K-8 and Special Education Intervention 6-12. Students receiving services through special education require the most intensive interventions that
can be offered in a school setting. Students who need this intensity of academic intervention require time
scheduled during the school day and should receive course credit. On a continuum of service for students,
these courses would be more intensive than intervention that general education students are receiving
through the Tier III course codes. No changes since first reading.
M. Fire Management Services Course Standards
Final reading of changes that include revisions to existing course standards to align the Fire Management
Services program of study to the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) standards, a
national curriculum for postsecondary fire science standards. These revisions will allow for a more
seamless transfer of secondary students to postsecondary institutions, are aligned to Tennessee’s State
Standards for literacy in technical subjects, and have been reviewed for content by business/industry, as
well as postsecondary and secondary educators from across the state. These standards revisions were
completed upon request from postsecondary institutions and the Tennessee State Fire Chief. There have
been changes to this item since first reading. Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3, and
Attachment 4.
N. Child Nutrition Programs Rule 0520-01-06-.05
Final reading of a rule change that adds a provision for school districts that do not participate in the National School Lunch Program. No changes since first reading.
O. Salary Schedule Rule 0520-01-02-.02
Final reading of a revision to the salary schedule rule intended to bring the rule up to date and reflect
local flexibilities in determining educator salaries. No changes since first reading.
P. High School Courses Policy 3.205
Final reading of changes to update the approved course list to reflect the newly approved statewide dual credit agriculture courses and special education intervention courses. This is a new item.
Q. Professional Education Unit and Specialty Area Program Approvals
Final reading of recommendations for approval, approval with minor stipulations, and approval with
major stipulations for three professional education units and their specialty area programs.
Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Attachment 3. This is a new item.
R. Charter Agreement for KIPP Nashville Primary
Final reading of the charter agreement between the State Board of Education and the KIPP Nashville
governing body for KIPP Nashville Primary. Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, Exhibit 4, and Exhibit 5. This is
a new item.
S. Charter Agreement for KIPP Nashville Middle
Final reading of the charter agreement between the State Board of Education and the KIPP Nashville
governing body for KIPP Nashville Middle. Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, Exhibit 4, and Exhibit 5. This is
a new item.
A. Tracy Hill-Riggs – Suspension, One (1) Year
B. Nathan Powell - Denial of Reinstatement
C. William Sturdivant - Formal Reprimand
D. Felippia Turner-Kellogg - Denial of Reinstatement
VII. Adjournment