August 26, 2014 Conference Call
Welcome & Introductions
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
II. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. State Identified Reward, Priority, and Focus Schools
Final reading of the state’s 2014 Reward and 2015 Priority and Focus Schools.
Attachment 1: TDOE School Accountability FAQ Document Summer 2014
Attachment 2: 2014 Reward Schools
Attachment 3: 2015 Priority Schools
Attachment 4: 2015 Focus Schools Subgroup and Gap Pathway
B. Annual Measurable Objectives
Final reading of the state and LEA annual measurable objectives for the 2014-15 school year.
Attachment 1: AMO's for 2014-2015
Attachment 2: District Achievement AMO's for Grades 3-8
Attachment 3: District Achievement AMO's for Grades 9-12
Attachment 4: District Gap Closure AMO's for Racial/Ethnic Subgroups
Attachment 5: District Gap Closure AMO's for ED
Attachment 6: District Gap Closure AMO's for SWD
Attachment 7: District Gap Closure AMO's for ELL
III. Adjournment