January 29, 2016 Board Meeting

I.             Consent Items (Voice Vote

A.            Adoption of Agenda

B.            Approval of Minutes from October 23, 2015

II.            Action Items (First Reading)

A.                  Math Standards

First reading of Tennessee Academic Standards for mathematics.  These standards if approved would be implemented in the 2017-18 school year.  The new math standards have been developed in accordance with the standards review process outlined in Public Chapter 423.  Standards are included for grades K-8, the required high school courses of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II (or Integrated Math I, II, III) as well as the options for the required fourth year math course.

B.                  English Language Arts Standards

First reading of Tennessee Academic Standards for English language arts.  These standards if approved would be implemented in the 2017-18 school year.  The new English language arts standards have been developed in accordance with the standards review process outlined in Public Chapter 423.  Standards are included for grades K-12.

C.                  Removal of Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Grades 6-12

First reading of an item to remove the Common Core State Standards for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects.  State Board and Department staff are working with the standards review teams of each subject area to embed literacy standards within each of those subjects’ standards.  This will result in a Tennessee specific approach to content area literacy standards.

D.            Permanent Elective Courses for English Language Arts

 First reading of permanent elective courses to be established for the 2017-18 school year in English language arts.

E.            Educator Preparation Policy 5.504

First reading to revise current educator preparation policy preconditions for new providers by providing flexibility related to financial and organizational capacity. 

F.            Charter School Appeals Policy 2.500

First reading of revisions to the charter school appeals policy in order to provide additional clarity around the State Board’s appeal process. Other revisions make small changes to the public hearing process used in appeals.

G.           Employment Standards Rule 0502-01-02-.03

First reading of updated employment standards rule that outlines standards for non-licensed educational interpreters in Tennessee.

H.            Educational Interpreters Policy 5.400

First reading of an item to revise the policy concerning educational interpreters.  This item is part of a series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having educational interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing will have equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee. 

I.             Educator Licensure Rule 0520-02-03-.04

First reading of an item to amend the licensure rule to add an educational interpreters license.  This item is part of a series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having educational interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing will have equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee. 

 J.             Educator Licensure Policy 5.502

First reading of an item to amend the licensure policy to add an educational interpreters license.  This item is part of a series of items that will create an educational interpreter license. The purpose of having educational interpreting licensure is to ensure that students who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing will have equal access to the curriculum and educational opportunities as all other students in Tennessee. 

K.            Professional Assessments Policy 5.105

First reading of a change to the professional assessments policy that outlines the assessment requirements for candidates of the educational interpreter license.

L.             Special Education Intervention Course

First reading of two new courses:  Special Education Intervention K-8 and Special Education Intervention 6-12. Students receiving services through special education require the most intensive interventions that can be offered in a school setting. Students who need this intensity of academic intervention require time scheduled during the school day and should receive course credit. On a continuum of service for students, these courses would be more intensive than intervention that general education students are receiving through the Tier III course codes.

M.          Statewide Dual Credit Agriculture Courses

First reading of learning objectives/course standards for two statewide dual credit agriculture courses. These courses are the first of several to complete the statewide dual credit pilot cycle established under PC 967, and were developed and reviewed by secondary and postsecondary educators from across the state.  Attachment 1.  Attachment 2

N.           Fire Management Services Course Standards

First reading of changes that include revisions to existing course standards to align the Fire Management Services program of study to the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) standards, a national curriculum for postsecondary fire science standards. These revisions will allow for a more seamless transfer of secondary students to postsecondary institutions, are aligned to Tennessee’s State Standards for literacy in technical subjects, and have been reviewed for content by business/industry, as well as postsecondary and secondary educators from across the state. These standards revisions were completed upon request from postsecondary institutions and the Tennessee state fire chief.  Attachment 1.  Attachment 2.  Attachment 3.  Attachment 4. 

O.           Child Nutrition Programs Rule 0520-01-06-.05

First reading of a rule change that adds a provision for school districts that do not participate in the National School Lunch Program.

P.            Salary Schedule Rule 0520-01-02-.02

First reading of a revision to the salary schedule rule intended to bring the rule up to date and reflect local flexibilities in determining educator salaries.

III.           Action Items (Final Reading)

A.                  Individualized Education Account Rules 0520-01-11

Final reading of proposed rules for individualized education accounts (IEAs) for eligible special needs students.

B.            Service Learning Course Standards

Final reading of revisions to existing course standards for Service Learning.  Revised course standards align with recent changes to SBE Rule 0520-01-03.06 and Policy 2.103.

C.            Jobs for Tennessee Graduates (JTG) Course Standards

Final reading of proposal of JTG Course as a 3rd party vendor general elective course.  JTG is an affiliate of Jobs for America’s Graduates organization and is designed to assist students for postsecondary education and job attainment.

D.            High School Courses Policy 3.205

Final reading of policy change that adds Jobs for Tennessee’s Graduates as a general elective course, and renames course 11.1 as Service Learning to reflect the revised standards.

E.            Child Nutrition Programs Rule 0520-01-06-.04

Final reading of revisions to the portion of the school nutrition rule regarding special exemptions for infrequent school-sponsored fundraisers.

F.            Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policy 5.201

Final reading of revisions to the teacher and principal evaluation policy that provide clarity around the process to propose an alternative evaluation model.  Other revisions provide technical corrections and greater clarity in the policy.

G.           State Board of Education Master Plan

Final reading of updated Master Plan outlining the Board’s strategic priorities, focus areas, and goals.

H.            Special Courses for Permanent Status

Final reading of special courses that are ready to move to permanent status after three years of annual review and approval.

I.             Instructional Leader Preparation Program Approvals

Final reading of approval recommendations for three leader preparation programs:  Bethel, UT-Chattanooga, and Middle Tennessee State University.

IV.          Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) Default Actions

Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation as being in default on a student loan pursuant to T.C.A. 49-5-108(d)(2).

V.            Teacher License Actions

A.            Kendra Grisham – Revocation

B.            William Harwood – Suspension, one year

C.            Bradley Martin -- Revocation

D.           Foster Montgomery – Suspension, one year

E.            Bethany Parsons – Formal Reprimand

F.            Andrea Patterson – Revocation

G.           James Sales – Revocation

H.           James Sanders – Revocation

I.             Patricia Thomas – Voluntary Surrender

J.             Peter Wade – Suspension

K.           Heather Wardlaw – Revocation 


VI.           Adjournment


April 15, 2016

July 22, 2016

October 21, 2016