January 31, 2014 Board Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from October 25, 2013.
C. 2013-14 Special Courses
Consent reading of the list of special courses that are in the implementation process, or are a permanent
part of a district’s curricular offerings.
D. Tennessee Education Association
Consent reading of presentation regarding the use of value-added data.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Special Courses Offered for Three or More Years
First reading of the list of special courses that have been taught three or more years in local districts.
B. High School Social Studies Courses
First reading of approved social studies courses based upon recently approved social studies curriculum standards.
C. High School Mathematics Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for mathematics courses other than those addressed in the Common Core State Standards.
D. Early English Language Development (E-ELD) Standards
First reading of English language standards for children age two and a half to five and a half years old. Attachment 2, Support Letter
E. Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, and Communications and includes both new and revised courses.
F. Business Management & Administration Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for revised Business Management and Administration courses.
G. Architecture & Construction Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Architecture and Construction and contains both new and revised courses.
H. Finance Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for a revised course in Banking and Finance.
I. Government & Public Administration Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for new courses in Government and Public Administration.
J. Health Sciences Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Health Sciences and contains both new and revised courses.
K. Information Technology Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for a revised course in Information Technology.
L. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security and contains both new and revised courses.
M. Manufacturing Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for a revised manufacturing course.
N. Marketing Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for revised marketing courses.
O. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and contains both new and revised courses.
P. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Course Standards
First reading of curriculum standards for Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics and contains both new and revised courses.
Q. Change of Name and Address, Rule
First reading of rule amendment requiring those who hold a teaching license to notify the Office of Educator Licensing if they change their name or address within 30 days.
R. Teacher License Advancement and Renewal
First reading of an action to rescind portions of Policy 5.502 relative to renewal and advancement of teaching licenses in order to consider other options.
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. TN Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS Birth to Age Four)
Final reading of CCSS-aligned learning standards for use in all regulated and licensed child cares, early intervention programs, IDEA 619 special education and other programs serving children from birth through age four.
B. Career and Technical Education Course Lists in Board Policy 3.205
Final reading of changes to the list of CTE courses; these changes reflect alignment to the 16 nationally recognized career clusters and deletes the 7 more broadly defined “program areas.”
C. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource career cluster area and includes both new and revised course standards.
D. Business Management & Administration Course Standards
Final reading of Personal Finance curriculum standards in the Business Management and Administration career cluster area.
E. Education and Training Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Education and Training career cluster area and includes both new and revised course standards.
F. Health Science Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Health Science career cluster area and includes both new and revised course standards.
G. Human Services Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Human Services career cluster area and includes both new and revised course standards.
H. Information Technology Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Information Technology career cluster area and includes revisions to existing course standards.
I. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security career cluster area and includes the creation of new course curriculum standards.
J. Manufacturing Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Manufacturing career cluster area and includes both new and revised course curriculum standards.
K. Marketing Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Marketing career cluster area and includes revised course curriculum standards.
L. Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics career cluster area and includes new course curriculum standards.
M. Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Course Standards
Final reading of curriculum standards for the Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics career cluster area and includes new course curriculum standards.
N. Occupational Related Employment Standards, Rules
Final reading of proposed revisions to the employment standards for teachers in occupational areas, and includes credentialed postsecondary training, level of education, and work experience.
O. Library Information Center, Rule
Final reading of an update to the rules that govern the operation of library information centers in public schools; updates language relative associated with Internet access and electronic collections in libraries.
Attachment 1 - 0520-1-3-.07 Library Information Center, Requirement F
Attachment 2 - Library Information Center Rule Review Committee Members
P. Chester County Alternative Salary Schedule
Final reading of the locally approved alternative salary schedule for Chester County.
Q. Haywood County Alternative Salary Schedule
Final reading of the locally approved alternative salary schedule for Haywood County.
R. Social Studies Assessment Transition Plan
Final reading of a plan for the assessment of social studies for the 2014-15 school year.
S. Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Standards
Final reading of an amendment to align Specific Learning Disability Standards with Response to Intervention methods.
IV. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) Default Actions
A. TSAC Defaults
Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation as being in default on a student loan pursuant to T.C.A. 49-5-108(d) (2).
A. Corey Alexander – Revocation
B. Haley Beasley – Revocation, concurrent
C. Brandon Todd Belue – Suspension, one (1) year, with contingency
D. Thelma Diane Davis – Revocation
E. Tawnya Davis – Formal Reprimand
F. Crystal Draper – Denial
G. David Drissom – Formal Reprimand
H. Jermaine Johnson – Revocation
I. Jacklyn T. McKinnie – Revocation
J. Erin T. Pierce – Suspension, one (1) year, with contingency
K. Tammy Potter-Johnson – Formal Reprimand
L. Shelvie Rose – Revocation
M. Tammy Jo Sills – Formal Reprimand
N. Larry E. Stewart – Revocation, concurrent
O. Daniel Wynkoop – Revocation
VI. Adjournment