August 25, 2017 Conference Call Meeting

I.             Consent Items (Voice Vote)

                A.            Adoption of Agenda

II.            Statement of Necessity

III.           Action Items (First Reading)

                A.            Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools Rule 050-01-03
                                First reading of a rule to amend the requirements for students with disabilities taking End of Course                                             assessments.

                B.            High School Policy 2.103
                                First reading of  item to amend the requirements for students with disabilities taking End of Course
                                assessments.  This policy aligns with the Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools Rule
                                also on first reading.

                C.            Non-Substantive Changes to Math, English Language Arts (ELA), and Science Standards
                                First reading of item to correct minor mistakes related to typographical errors, punctuation, misspellings,
                                inconsistencies, and formatting in the mathELA, and science standards.   

                 D.            English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
                                First reading of an item to amend the ESL Program Policy to clarify ESL service requirements and to
                                include additional definitions. 

IV.            Action Items (Final Reading)

                 A.            Adult Education Rule 0520-01-02-.05 and 0520-01-02-.06
                                 Final reading of updates to the funding of adult education programs that lead to a regular high school

                 B.            Local Education Agency (LEA) Alternative Salary Schedule
                                 Final reading of an item to approve Shelby County Schools’ alternative salary schedule that uses
                                 performance as a criteria for salary increases.  Attachment 1  Attachment 2

                  C.           Standards Setting for Grade 2 TNReady, Grades 3-8 TNReady, Grade 2 TCAP-Alt, Grades 3-8 TCAP-Alt Social 
                                 Studies/Science and High School TCAP-Alt Biology
                                 Final reading of student performance levels for grades 2-8 English language arts and mathematics and 
                                 grades 2-8 for the ALT assessment.  Powerpoint

                  D.          Tennessee History Elective Course
                                Final reading to approve a permanent Tennessee History elective course for implementation in January
                                2018. The course standards are included in the Tennessee Academic Standards for Social Studies
                                approved by the Board in July 2017. This item accelerates the timeline for implementation of the course to
                               allow districts to offer it to interested students as soon as possible.

V.              Adjournment