October 20, 2017 SBE Meeting
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from July 28, 2017 and August 25, 2017
C. Confirmation of Basic Education Program (BEP) Review Committee Members
Item to confirm the members of the 2017-18 BEP Review Committee.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. 2017-18 Special Courses
First reading of list of special courses that are part of a district's course offering to be approved for
one, three, or six years.
B. Course Approval
First reading of new courses and revised course standards for courses within the Advanced
Manufacturing, Business Management & Administration, Finance, Health Science, Human Services,
Information Technology, and Marketing career clusters. This item also presents a new General Education
Exploratory course, Tennessee Student Success.
C. High School Policy 2.103
First reading of item to adopt an alternate academic diploma for students assessed on the alternate
assessment; update requirements for graduation with distinction; and update the requirements for the
inclusion of scores from End of Course exams into a student’s final grade.
Attachment 1 Attachment 7 Attachment 13
Attachment 2 Attachment 8 Attachment 14
Attachment 3 Attachment 9 Attachment 15
Attachment 4 Attachment 10 Attachment 16
Attachment 5 Attachment 11
Attachment 6 Attachment 12
D. Administrative Rules: State Special Schools, Rule 0520-04-03
First reading of item to update the criteria for admission to the Tennessee School for the Blind,
Tennessee School for the Deaf, and West Tennessee School for the Deaf.
E. HIV/AIDS Policy for Students and Employees of Tennessee Public Schools, Policy 5.300
First reading of item to update the HIV/AIDS Policy.
F. Administration of Medication for Adrenal Insufficiency, Rule 0520-01-13
First reading of item to set guidelines for the administration of medication for adrenal insufficiency in
compliance with Public Chapter 84.
G. Administration of Medication in a School Setting Policy 4.205
First reading of item to update Policy 4.205, formerly titled Guidelines for the Use of Healthcare
Professionals and Health Procedures in a School Setting, to reflect the statutory requirements.
Attachment 1 and Attachment 2
H. Tennessee Early Learning Development Standards (TN ELDS)
First reading of item to update the Tennessee Early Learning Development Standards.
I. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
First reading of item to add American Sign Language to the list of active endorsements that can be
issued on a teaching license.
J. Professional Assessments for Tennessee Educators Policy 5.105
First reading of item to require that all initial licensure candidates submit a passing score on one of
the Principles of Learning and Teaching tests if there is not an approved edTPA in the specialty area. In
addition adds assessments for American Sign Language endorsement.
K. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
First reading of item to update the formatting of the literacy standards to increase clarity and to add
specialty area standards for American Sign Language.
L. Promotion and Retention Policy 3.300
First reading of item to update the promotion and retention policy to focus on supporting student
promotion rather than retention. Outlines requirements schools and districts must take prior to a
retention decision.
M. Alternative Educator Programs Policy 2.302
First reading of item to update the policy to remove outdated information and include best practices
for alternative schools.
Attachment 1 and Attachment 2
N. Charter School Performance Framework
First reading of updates to the State Board’s charter school performance framework to align it to the
state’s new accountability system under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
O. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance Policy 4.208
First reading of an item to update the formatting of the Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance Policy
to align with current Board practices.
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. World Language Standards
Final reading of newly revised World Language standards. The standards are included for grades
K-8 and the options for high school courses. These standards, if approved, will be implemented
in the 2019-20 school year.
B. Uniform Clothing for Public School Students Policy 4.203
Final reading of an item to update the formatting of the Uniform Clothing for Public School
Students Policy to align with current Board practices.
C. Physical Activity Policy 4.206
Final reading to update the policy to reflect legislative changes to the requirements for physical
D. School Attendance Policy 4.100
Final reading to update the policy to reflect recent legislative changes made in Public Chapter 96
as well as other legal requirements related to attendance.
E. Education of Incarcerated Students, Rule 0520-01-12
Final reading to establish policies and procedures for the education of students incarcerated in
juvenile detention centers.
F. Charter School Enrollment, Rule 0520-14-01-.04
Final reading to provide clarity around charter school enrollment and align the rule to Public Chapter 307.
G. Charter School Waiver Requests, Rule 0520-14-02
Final reading to update and provide clarity to the procedures for charter school waivers.
H. Achievement School District, Rule 0520-14-03
Final reading to update the waiver requirements for schools in the Achievement School District.
I. List of State Approved Textbooks – Section C (Science, PE/Wellness & Health, Fine Arts (Art, Music, Theatre
Arts, Dance, and Media Arts), CTE Arts, A/V Technology & Communication and Anatomy & Physiology)
Final reading of the list of approved textbooks – Section C. State law requires the State Board of
Education to approve a list of textbooks for adoption by school districts.
Attachment 1 and Attachment 2
J. Non-Substantive Changes to Math, English Language Arts (ELA), and Science Standards
Final reading of item to correct minor mistakes related to typographical errors, punctuation,
misspellings, inconsistencies, and formatting in the math, ELA, and science standards.
K. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
First reading to clarify procedures for awarding quality points for students who have completed AP,
Cambridge, or IB courses or courses aligned with an Industry Certification or CLEP exam.
L. English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
Final reading of an item to amend the ESL Program Policy to clarify ESL service requirements and to
include additional definitions.
M. Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools, Rule 0502-01-03
Final reading of a rule to amend the requirements for students with disabilities taking End of Course
N. High School Policy 2.103
Item to amend the requirements for students with disabilities taking End of Course assessments.
This policy aligns with the Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools Rule also on
final reading.
O. Educator Licensure, Rule 0520-02-03-.09
Final reading of changes for Board disciplinary action for particular types of infractions.
P. Individualized Education Accounts, Rule 0520-01-11
Final reading of updates to align the rules with recently passed legislation.
Q. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
Final reading of item that adds American Sign Language as an approved foreign language course.
R. Charter School LEA Policies 4502 and 6317
Final reading of minor clarifications in two policies governing the State Board’s role as a charter
school authorizer. The clarifications occur in the Parent Involvement and Engagement Policy (4502)
and the Required Remands and Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority Policy (6317).
S. State Identified Reward Schools
Final reading of the state’s 2017 Reward Schools.
T. Annual Performance Goals for 2017-18 District Accountability
Final reading of the state and LEA annual performance goals for the 2017-18 school year.
IV. Charter Appeals
A. "THE” Academy All Girls Charter School
Final reading of the appeal by “THE” Academy All Girls Charter School to the State Board of
B. Rich ED Academy of Leaders
Final reading of the appeal by Rich ED Academy of Leaders to the State Board of Education.
V. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) Default Actions
A. TSAC Defaults
Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by
the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation as being in default on a student loan pursuant to
T.C.A. 49-5-108(d)(2).
A. Thomas Andrews – Automatic Revocation
B. Patrick Bruce – Automatic Revocation
C. William K. Carter – Revocation
D. Melinda Easterling – Formal Reprimand
G. This item was removed from the agenda prior to the meeting
H. Billy Hoffman – Automatic Revocation
I. Jamie Layne – This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
J. Joseph F. Luetkemeyer – Revocation
K. Susan Caul Meeks – Revocation
L. Gary K. Potter – This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
N. Quanah Thompson – Two (2) Year Suspension
O. Michelle Villarreal – This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
P. Lee Brian Walker – Automatic Revocation
Q. Terry Williams – Revocation
R. Linda Wright – 3 Month Suspension, Retroactive
VII. Adjournment