September 22, 2014 Board Meeting
Welcome & Introductions
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Charter School Performance Framework
First reading of the performance framework by which charter schools authorized by the State Board of Education will be measured annually.
Attachment 1: Charter School Performance Framework
Attachment 2: Academic Framework - Technical Report and Definitions
III. Charter School Appeal Items (Final Reading)
A. Emerge Collegiate STEM Charter School
Final reading of the appeal by Emerge Collegiate STEM Charter School to the State Board of Education.
Attachment 1: Emerge Collegiate STEM Charter School Findings and Recommendations
B. Military Academy of Culture and Technology Charter School
Final reading of the appeal by Military Academy of Culture and Technology Charter School to the State Board of Education.
Attachment 1: Military Academy of Culture and Technology Charter School Findings and Recommendations
C. Scholastic Academy of Logistics and Transportation Charter School
Final reading of the appeal by Scholastic Academy of Logistics and Technology Charter School to the State Board of Education.
Attachment 1: Scholastic Academy of Logistics and Transportation Charter School Findings and
D. Cumberland Academy Charter School
Final reading of the appeal by Cumberland Academy Charter School to the State Board of Education.
Attachment 1: Cumberland Academy Charter School Findings and Recommendations
IV. Adjournment