Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board

Meeting Details  (Revised 02/04/2025)

February 5, 2025 - 9:30 AM CST
In-Person Meeting with Hybrid Option for Public via MS Teams

William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
3rd Floor - Nashville Room
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Nashville TN 37243

Hybrid Meeting Login Details

Participants may also join by phone:

  • +1 629-209-4396,,771025659# United States (Toll-free)
  • Phone Conference ID: 771 025 659#

Join on a video conferencing device:

Supporting Documents

2025 Meeting Dates

NOTE: In-person UST-SWDC Board meetings will continue to be held at the William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower in The Nashville Room on the Third Floor located at 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville TN 37243

January 2025 – No meeting expected
February 5-6 (In-Person)
March 5-6
April 2-3
May 7-8 (In-Person)
June 11-12
July 2-3 – No meeting expected
August 13 (In-Person)
September 3-4
October 1-2
November 5-6
December 3-4 (In-Person)

Board Characteristics

Fourteen (14) members: twelve appointed by the Governor for four-year terms upon expiration of initial appointments; two ex officio voting members.

Primarily functions to:

    -Promulgate rules
    -Interpret regulations
    -Hear appeals of permitting and enforcement actions

The Board meets at least four times a year to fulfill its duties.

Members include:

  • one person engaged in a field directly related to agriculture;
  • one person employed by, or is the owner of, a private petroleum concern with at least 10 years of experience owning or operating a wholesale or retail gasoline business with management responsibility for at least 15 underground storage tanks;
  • one person who is employed by a private manufacturing concern in Tennessee who shall have a college degree in engineering or the equivalent and at least eight (8) years of combined technical training and experience in permit compliance and management of solid wastes or hazardous wastes;
  • one person employed by a private manufacturing concern in Tennessee who shall have a college degree in engineering or the equivalent and at least eight (8) years of combined technical training and experience in the management of petroleum underground storage tanks and hazardous materials;
  • one person who is a registered engineer or geologist or qualified land surveyor with knowledge of management of solid wastes or hazardous materials or the management of underground storage tanks from the faculty of an institution of higher learning;
  • one person knowledgeable of the management of solid wastes, hazardous materials, or underground storage tanks to represent environmental interests;
  • one representative of county governments;
  • one representative of municipal governments;
  • a small generator of solid wastes or hazardous materials representing automotive interests;
  • one person employed by a private petroleum concern with experience in the management of petroleum;
  • one person engaged in the business of management of solid wastes or hazardous materials;
  • one person who is employed by, or is the owner of, a private petroleum concern with at least five (5) years of experience owning or operating a wholesale or retail gasoline business with management responsibility for no more than five (5) underground storage tanks;
  • Commissioners of Economic and Community Development and Environment and Conservation (or their designees).

Commissioned under T.C.A. 68-211-111.

The statute authorizing this board expires June 30, 2027 and the one-year wind-down period begins.

Member Term Expires Representation
Daphne Berry 09-30-2026 Petroleum Business with at least 15 Underground Storage Tanks
Stacey Cothran - Chairman 09-30-2027 Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Industry
Jeff McCormick 09-30-2024 Municipal Government
Partick Flood Ex-Officio Commissioner's Designee, Dept. of Environment and Conservation
Dr. George Hyfantis, Jr. 09-30-2026 Institution of Higher Learning
Will Dean 09-30-2028 Single Facility with less than 5 Underground Storage Tanks
Vacant 09-30-2023 Environmental Interests
Jared Lynn 09-30-2025 Manufacturing experienced with Solid/Hazardous Waste
Doug Giles, Jr. 09-30-2025 Working in a field related to Agriculture
William (Will) E. Ownby, Jr. 09-30-2026 Manufacturing experience with Underground Storage Tanks/Hazardous Materials
Steve Perry 09-30-2025 Petroleum Management Business
Mayor Bob Rial 09-30-2023 County Government
Jimmy West Ex-Officio Commissioner's Designee, Economic and Community Development
Mark Williams 09-30-2024 Small Generator of Solid/Hazardous Materials representing Automotive Interests

Past Meetings

Meeting Cancelled Due to Ice Storm

This Page Last Updated: February 4, 2025 at 11:42 AM