Language Assistance

This webpage and all State of Tennessee webpages may be translated with "Google Translate" using the "Translate" button on the bottom right of the webpage.

Esta página web y todas las páginas web del Estado de Tennessee se pueden traducir con "Google Translate" usando el botón "Traducir" en la parte inferior derecha de la página web.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. TDEC is committed to taking reasonable steps to ensure that people of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access to participate in our services, programs, and activities.

TDEC offers free language assistance services to participate in our programs or activities for people whose primary language is not English. These services may include the translation of written documents or providing qualified interpreters in-person or over the telephone. Please contact for additional support. 

Division Contacts

Each TDEC division has a contact who can assist people in obtaining free language assistance. Please use the chart below to identify the appropriate contact for the TDEC program or activity for which you need assistance.

Division Contact Email Phone
Air Pollution Control Lida Warden (615) 532-0606
Budget, Fiscal, Grants & Contracts Christina C. Humphrey (615) 532-0290
Commissioner's Office Kati Hicks (615) 532-1525
Energy Programs Angela McGee (615) 852-0131
General Counsel Craig Sergeant (615) 532-0146
Mineral & Geologic Resources Angela Cartledge (865) 310-8632
Human Resources Elyse Chamberlain (615) 829-0713
Parks and Natural Areas Debra Hicks (615) 571-4428
Radiological Health Stephen Simon (615) 253-5423
Remediation Melanie Dixon  (615) 532-0926
Solid Waste Management Emily Martin (615) 532-0780
Sustainable Practices Heather Weldon (615) 741-8822
Tennessee Historical Commission Barbara Grissom (615) 532-1550
Underground Storage Tanks Carrie Ancell (615) 532-0973
Water Resources Alisha Looper (615) 979-1406

TDEC ofrece servicios gratuitos de asistencia con el idioma para participar en nuestros programas o actividades para personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés. Estos servicios pueden incluir la traducción de documentos escritos o proporcionar intérpretes calificados en persona o por teléfono. Las páginas web del estado de Tennessee también se pueden traducir con Google Translate a través del botón "Traducir" en la parte inferior derecha de esta página. Para obtener más información, comuníquese


For general language access support, please contact: 

Nondiscrimination Coordinator  

More information about TDEC’s Title VI program and commitment to environmental justice is available via the Office of Policy and Planning.  

This Page Last Updated: January 14, 2025 at 11:09 AM