Breaking Ground

Council Magazine

Breaking Ground keeps you in the know about new programs and practices, disability policy issues, and stories about the lives of Tennesseans with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.  Published by the Council since 1990, the magazine comes out 4 times a year. This includes the annual arts issue, which features artwork by Tennesseans with disabilities. 

Approximately 6,000 copies of each issue are sent FREE to people with disabilities, family members, state agencies, advocacy organizations, and legislators. Want your own print or Braille copy? Email us at with your name and address, or call 615-532-6615.

Other ways you can be a part of Breaking Ground:

  • Tennessee artists: send us your work for the annual arts issue. Watch for announcements in our email newsletters and social media feeds. We'll tell you when the submission window is open and how to submit your work. We feature all forms of art by people with disabilities.
  • Tell us about inclusive arts or other disability-related programs doing great work in your community.
  • Introduce us to amazing Tennessee disability advocates whose stories we should tell.
  • Share your own story of finding supports that work as you pursue a great life. 

Contact us at!

Welcome to the online home for Breaking Ground's Fall 2024 issue. This edition focuses on making Tennessee more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. Read the full articles below, access the online PDF here, or scroll further to see the interactive version on this page.

If you'd like Breaking Ground delivered to you via email, or to recieve a physical copy, please click here to subscribe.


Editor-in-Chief, Breaking Ground Magazine

Jolene Sharp

p. 615-253-8778  c. 615-917-0824