Breaking Ground 100 - Poetry: Life on the Spectrum
by Samantha C. TeasleyHold my hand, and here we go
In this big world, so much to know
Let’s go at my speed
Let’s stay at my pace
Here we go, Mama
I’ll put on a brave face
Noises, colors, smells and lights
For them it’s okay, for me it’s a fight
What’s coming next?
I need to know
I don’t like it here
I have to go
This place is too much
And I need to leave
Take me home, Mama
I need to breathe
I’ve made it to my safety zone
It’s quiet here, and it’s my home
You hold me close and say my name
You know that my feelings are not just a game
You calm me down and make me smile
Mama, can we just stay here a while?
I’ll try again some other day
We can do this, I’ll be okay
This world is big, this I know
Just hold my hand and here we go
Poet bio: Samantha Teasley lives in Sumner County and has two children with autism. She wrote this poem to describe how everyday experiences may be difficult for those on the spectrum.