Engage with Us
The Council on Developmental Disabilities offers easy-to-understand information about disability issues and policies. You’ll learn about legislation, policy changes, and resources and new ideas – and what it all means for you. You’ll find lots of ways to get involved and help shape the policies and programs that matter to you.
Here's 5 ways to connect with us:
- Subscribe to the Council’s newsletters and Breaking Ground magazine
- monthly disability-related stories, events and policy updates
- quarterly magazine full of interesting people, art, and happenings from Tennessee’s disability community
- monthly newsletters for graduates of our Partners in Policymaking leadership program
- monthly disability-related stories, events and policy updates
- Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn for news, stories, and more ways to engage. Explore our videos about real Tennesseans with disabilities and their families on our YouTube channel.
- Learn more information about and apply for the Council's leadership training programs like Partners in Policymaking or our Scholarship Fund which provides financial support to people with disabilities and families to attend disability meetings, conferences and trainings.
- Read our annual reports and other publications on disability issues.
- Attend our Council meetings
When to call on the Council
Reach out to us at tnddc@tn.gov or 615-532-6615 when:
- You are having problems with disability services and programs. These stories help us understand what problems need to be fixed in our disability service system. Sometimes we can reach out to our colleagues at other agencies to learn more and help you find a solution.
- You see a persistent barrier in your community and don’t know where to go for help. We rely on feedback from Tennesseans with disabilities and families to know what barriers exist in our communities. We may be able to connect you to resources to help solve a problem or others in the state who are working on similar issues.