Walnut Knob State Natural Area

Walnut Knob is an 18-acre Designated State Natural Area located in Smith County set aside to protect a population of the federally-endangered Braun’s Rock Cress (Boechera perstellata). The site is largely dominated by mature mesic forest with large limestone outcrops that provide habitat for this rare plant.
Management goals for the site include combating invasive species such as Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), which primarily occurs on field edges at the site, and developing management and studying potential public access and a hiking trail.
Site Management
Division of Natural Areas, William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 2nd Floor, Nashville, TN 37243, phone (615) 532-0431.
Public Access
Public access is not allowed.
Closed to Public – No Access
Parking: No
Trail: No
Dogs on Leash: No
Hunting: No
Fishing: No
Camping: No
Contact Division of Natural Areas for site access
Details & Map
- Owned by the State of Tennessee
- New Middleton 7.5-minute quadrangle
- Eastern Highland Rim Physiographic Province
- Designated in 2020