Expert Medical Opinion Services
Health plan members can get expert help for any condition with which they may be struggling. Whether you need a second opinion, help confirming a diagnosis, assistance with a rare or life-threatening condition or help with treating several medical problems at the same time, expert medical opinion services can help at no additional cost to you.
BlueCross BlueShield members have access to Teladoc expert medical opinion services. More information is coming soon. You can log into your BCBS member account or call Teledoc at 800.835.2362 for more information.
Cigna members have access to My Medical Ally which offers:
• Support for all health conditions, including rare and complex cases.
• Virtual consults with world-class physicians.
• Access via a web portal, mobile app and phone, with an average three-day turnaround after medical records have been submitted.
• Video consultations, recorded videos and written consults.
Call 888.361.3944, visit My Medical Ally or download the free “MyMedicalAlly” app.
Cigna members use code: Cigna State of TN
Make medical decisions with confidence and get better care.