State Route 66

Hawkins County
Hawkins SR 66

Want to ask a question or make a comment about the proposed improvements to State Route 66?

View the November 12, 2024 Public Meeting Materials by clicking the following links:

November 12, 2024 Public Meeting Presentation

November 12, 2024 Public Meeting Handout

November 12, 2024 Public Meeting Postage Paid Comment Card

November 12, 2024 Public Meeting Display

Public comments can also be provided by calling (800) 546-0949 (toll-free) – please leave a voicemail message with your name, phone number, and question and/or comment. For questions, please make sure to call the number above by December 2, 2024 to allow TDOT to provide you a response by the December 9, 2024 comment deadline. A TDOT representative will respond within 7 business days.

Public comments can also be submitted electronically utilizing an online comment form available at
the following link:

Public Comments received or postmarked by December 9, 2024, will be included in the official summary of the public meeting and incorporated into the Environmental Assessment currently under development.

See the public Engagement and Involvement Section of this website for additional information.


The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to construct roadway improvements to State Route (SR) 66 in Hawkins County. The proposed project would include the widening and realignment of SR-66 from the intersection with SR-34 (US-11E, Andrew Johnson Highway) in Bulls Gap to north of the intersection with Speedwell Road/Old Highway 66. The proposed improvements would total approximately 5.70 miles in length. 

Because the proposed project involves federal funding, the project is subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  TDOT and FHWA are preparing an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the NEPA to identify and evaluate the environmental effects of the proposed project and to identify measures to minimize harm.

Current Status: TDOT and FHWA are preparing an Environmental Assessment to identify and evaluate the environmental effects of the proposed project and to identify measures to minimize harm.

Estimated construction start: TBD

Estimated completion*: TBD

Funding Source: TDOT anticipates that this project will be funded in part through the Transportation Modernization Fund.

magnifying glass


History and Background

In 2006, TDOT completed a Transportation Planning Report which analyzed existing and projected traffic data and determined the feasibility of proposed improvements along SR-66 from SR-34 (US-11E) in Bulls Gap to the Otes Community in Hawkins County. The TPR evaluated improving approximately 5.3 miles of the existing two-lane road to an upgraded two-lane facility which would match the roadway lane and shoulder width geometrics (two 12-foot lanes with 8-foot to 12-foot shoulders) of the section of SR-66 from the Otes Community to Rogersville.

Based on the 2006 TPR, the TDOT 2007-2009 Multi-Modal Work Program identified this section of SR-66 as a substandard rural highway and provided the initial funding for the proposed project's planning, environmental, and preliminary engineering studies and processes.  Four options (include the No-Build Option) were considered in the 2006 TPR as proposed improvements along SR-66. Option B would shift the alignment west of the existing SR-66 for approximately three miles and Option C would shift the alignment east of the existing SR-66 approximately three miles. Option A proposed all improvements be concentrated along the existing SR-66 corridor. Option A was selected as the Build Alternative to be carried forward for environmental review.

Subsequently, TDOT began development of a D-List Categorical Exclusion (CE) to document the potential impacts associated with the proposed improvements.  However, due to anticipated environmental impacts, in 2024, it was determined by FHWA and TDOT to move the project forward as an Environmental Assessment.

Preliminary Need and Purpouse

The preliminary need for the proposed SR-66 project has been identified as the following: 

  • Geometric roadway deficiencies along existing SR-66 (curvature, limited shoulder, sight distance, etc.)
  • Insufficient system linkage (connection between Bulls Gap and the county seat in Rogersville)
  • Need for route redundancy (an alternate to Interstate 81)

 The preliminary purpose of the proposed SR-66 project has been identified as the following:

  • Correct geometric roadway deficiencies to meet current TDOT design standards
  • Improve system linkage
  • Provide route redundancy for Interstate 81

Please note that the preliminary purpose and need will be refined as the environmental technical studies are finalized and public feedback from the November 12, 2024 Public Meeting is analyzed.  The purpose and need will be formally presented in the Environmental Assessment expected to be released for public review in Quarter 1 of 2025.

Alternatives Under Study

A No-Build Alternative and one Build Alternative are being evaluated in the Environmental Assessment. Each alternative is described in the subsequent text below.

No-Build Alternative

In accordance with the implementing regulations for NEPA (40 C.F.R. § 1502.14(d)), the No-Build Alternative has been retained for detailed study and also serves as a benchmark for comparison with the Build Alternative. The No-Build Alternative would retain the existing state route and roadway configuration throughout the project area except for those modifications to the roadway network that have been programmed and approved for implementation, as identified in TDOT’s 25-Year Long Range Transportation Policy Plan, State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and the TDOT 10-Year Project Plan and would allow for routine maintenance and safety upgrades.

Build Alternative

The Build Alternative includes the widening of the existing two-lane roadway (which currently consists of one 10-foot-wide lane in each direction) and would include construction of the following:

·        Two 12-foot travel lanes (one in each direction) and paved shoulders four- to ten-feet in width.

·        An intermittent 12-foot-wide two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL).

·        Five-foot wide sidewalks near the project beginning.

·         Intermittent curb and gutter.

·        Guardrail, as required.

·        Minor horizontal and vertical alignment changes, primarily located in Bulls Gap, intended to meet current highway design and safety standards.

See the Project Location Map for additional detail on the proposed improvements. Once completed, the proposed project would provide a consistent typical section along SR-66 from SR-34 (US-11E, Andrew Johnson Highway) to the county seat of Rogersville, as well as provide a link from Rogersville to I-81.

Preliminary Environmental Impacts

TDOT is currently evaluating the environmental impacts related to the Build Alternative and the No-Build Alternative.  Additionally, the No-Build Alternative will serve as a baseline against which to compare the Build Alternative.

Several environmental technical studies are still under development, the results of which will be formally published in the Environmental Assessment that TDOT is currently preparing.  The public will be asked to provide comment on the anticipated environmental impacts during the Public Hearing which is tentatively scheduled for Quarter 2 of 2025.

Examples of environmental technical studies under development include:

·        Traffic and Safety Analysis

·        Land Use, Farmland, and Transportation Infrastructure

·        Community Impact Assessment, Environmental Justice, Relocations, and Economic Resources

·        Air Quality and Noise

·        Cultural Resources (Historic Architecture and Archaeology)

·        Recreational Resources

·        Natural Resources

·        Visual Impacts

·        Hazardous Materials

·        Indirect and Cumulative Effects



Public Involvement and Engagement

This website will be one of the principle means of public involvement and feedback. Public comments concerning this project can also be submitted to:

Scheduled Meetings
TDOT will host a public meeting on November 12, 2024 to provide the public with an opportunity to provide input and ask questions about the purpose and need of the project, and the range of alternatives under consideration.  TDOT representatives will also be on-hand to answer any questions.

The meeting will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the following location:

Bulls Gap School | 315 Allen Drive | Bulls Gap, Tennessee 37711

Display Map 1 (PDF)

Previous Meetings
A Design Public Meeting was held on November 13, 2018, at Bulls Gap School, 315 Allen Drive, Bulls Gap, Tennessee, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to share revised preliminary design plans for the proposed improvements to SR 66. Plans were revised following feedback from the November 2016 public meeting. Display maps can be viewed below.

Display Map 1 (PDF)
Display Map 2 (PDF)
Display Map 3 (PDF)
Display Map 4 (PDF)

A Design Public Meeting was held on November 17, 2016, at Bulls Gap School, 315 Allen Drive, Bulls Gap, Tennessee, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to gather public input on the proposed improvements and preliminary design for SR 66.

Right-of-Way Acquisition and Relocation Process

A relocation study or Conceptual Stage Relocation Plan is being prepared as part of the Environmental Assessment to estimate the number of persons who may be displaced by the project. This data will be correlated with an inventory of available rental and sales housing locations. This information will be included as part of the approved Environmental Assessment expected to be released for public review in Quarter 1 of 2025.

If you have a question regarding the TDOT Right-of-Way Acquisition and Relocation Process, please call 1 (800) 546-0949 (toll-free) and leave a voicemail message with your name, phone number, and question/comment. Questions will be responded to within 7 business days by a TDOT representative. For more information about the TDOT Right-of-Way Acquisition and Relocation Process, see the TDOT Right of Way website.


TDOT is currently developing an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Below is a timeline of milestones for project completion.

Initiate Early Coordination: Quarter 3 of 2024

Conduct Technical Studies: Quarter 4 of 2024

Public Meeting: November 12, 2024

Notice of Availability/EA Approval: Quarter 1 of 2025

Hold NEPA Public Hearing: Quarter 2 of 2025

Approval of Final Environmental Document/Selection of Preferred Alternative: Quarter 3 of 2025

Right-of-Way Acquisition Phase: TBD

Construction Phase: TBD        

*Quarter 1 – January through March.

  Quarter 2 – April through June.

  Quarter 3 – July through September.

  Quarter 4 – October through December

**Forecasted dates are subject to change.

***Once the final environmental document is approved by the Federal Highway Administration, the Planning and Environmental Phase is complete.

Project Contacts

Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)

Phone: 865.594.0161

Eric Wilson, PE
TDOT Region 1 Project Development Manager

Phone: 865.594.0742