Interstate 75
Loudon County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) plans to widen Interstate 75 in Loudon County from Exit 81 to the I-40/I-75 junction. The project is intended to increase capacity, relieve congestion, and improve operations along the corridor by widening I-75 from the current four-lane section to six lanes. To reduce the time, cost to complete, and impact of the project, all construction is planned to occur to the inside of existing lanes (i.e., toward the median) and to involve minimal, if any, right-of-way impacts.
Current Status: This project is under development.
Estimated construction start: This project is scheduled in TDOT’s 10-Year Project Plan to begin construction in Fiscal Year 2027.
Estimated completion*: TBD
Funding Type: TDOT anticipates that a portion of this project will be funded through the Transportation Modernization Fund.

History and Background
The IMPROVE Act, passed in 2017, identified four projects along I-75 from State Route 323 (Pond Creek Road) to the I-40/I-75 Interchange. This segment, one of those four projects, represents 3.35 miles of the 16.11-mile corridor.
As part of this project, TDOT anticipates constructing several improvements along the project footprint, including:
· Adding an additional travel lane in each direction
· Realigning and widening northbound and southbound on and off ramps at Exit 81 (the interchange with US 321)
· Replacing the I-40 bridge over the I-75 northbound lanes (this project was also identified in the IMPROVE Act)
· Expanding Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) components along I-75
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
Jason Sholtz, PE
TDOT Region 1 Project Management
Phone: 865-594-3639
*Subject to change