State Programs

Three-Year Program 2025-2027: As part of Tennessee's State budget, the Department of Transportation provides a three-year (Fiscal Years 2025-2027) Comprehensive Multimodal Program. This Program contains components for highway projects, transit, rail, waterways and aviation projects and statewide initiatives in support of the department's 2025 budget.

The individual highway project list of this report contains funding for right-of-way activities, various construction phases, operations and statewide initiatives. This plan reflects the department's commitment to deliver needed transportation projects while maximizing dollars available to Tennessee.

2024-2026 On-System Bridge Work Program

2025-2027 Off-System Bridge Work Program  

2025-2027 On-Sytem Bridge Work Program

State Transportation Improvement Program (eSTIP): The Department develops a STIP every three years to provide a statewide listing of transportation projects, covering a period of four years, that is consistent with the state's 25-Year Long-Range Transportation Plan and the metropolitan transportation plans for which TDOT intends to provide funding.

The STIP is a fiscally constrained document, meaning that sufficient funds are reasonably expected to be available with which to implement the proposed improvements, as well as to operate and maintain the entire system. The STIP includes state and local roadway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, safety and public transportation (transit) projects. Project related activities, such as PE (Preliminary Engineering), ROW (Right of Way) and CONST (Construction), are eligible for funding through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Capital and Operating expenses for public transit are eligible for funding through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The projects are organized in alphabetical order by county and are shown in a standardized format, which includes similar information for each project.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations are responsible for maintaining and updating their own Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) for their planning areas.

STIPs and TIPs must be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval.


  • 2023-2026 STIP (Please click on image below to access)

Current STIP

  • 2023-2026 STIP (Please click on image below to preview the document)
Tennessee STIP 2023-2026 Final Report

Proposed Amendments to the FY 2023-2026 STIP

STIP Modifications

Current 3-Year Highway Program