State Route 334 (Louisville Road, Project Eagle)
Blount County
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) plans to construct improvements to State Route 334 (Louisville Road) in Louisville (Blount County). The proposed improvements, which run from near Proffitt Springs Road to just past SR 333 (Topside Road), will widen the existing roadway from its current configuration of two 11-foot lanes to a typical section of two 12-foot lanes, six-foot paved shoulders, and curb & gutter on each side.
This project is intended to serve the additional passenger and truck traffic being generated by the new Smith & Wesson Headquarters off of Proffitt Springs Road.
Current Status: This project is still in preliminary engineering development. Functional plans are being developed, which will be used for Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation.
Estimated construction start: It is estimated that this project will begin construction in the first half of 2027.
Estimated completion*: After the project is let to construction, it is estimated to take two to two and a half years to complete.
Funding Type: This project is fully state funded.

History and Background
In September 2021 Smith & Wesson announced that they were relocating their headquarters from Springfield, Massachusetts to Blount County, Tennessee. This new facility will add hundreds of new jobs to Blount County and include manufacturing and distribution of product.
In October 2021 TDOT developed an economic development project under the State Industrial Access (SIA) Program, to improve SR 334, which is projected to experience increased traffic demand. In March 2022, the field survey was completed, and preliminary design began.

Public Involvement and Engagement
A public design meeting was held on March 28, 2024, at Louisville Town Hall, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Project Imagery & Visuals

TDOT will be completing an environmental evaluation of this project that will result in a published environmental document and the acquisition of necessary environmental permits.

Key Project Milestones
Functional Plans submitted | Fall 2024 (estimated) |
Plan-in-Hand submitted | Summer 2026 (estimated) |
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates submitted |
Fall 2026 (estimated) |
Project Let to Construction |
2027 (estimated) |
Project Contacts
Mark Nagi
TDOT Region 1 Regional Communications Officer (media)
Phone: 865.594.0161
Jeremy Mefford, P.E.
TDOT Region 1 Project Manager
Phone: 865.594.2349
Stacy Weaver, P.E.
TDOT Region 1 Roadway Design Manager
Phone: 865.594.2442