Health Professionals Boards Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary Actions

Listed below are the monthly summaries of disciplinary actions taken against health professionals and/or unlicensed individuals. Any actions taken by the boards must be filed with the Administrative Procedures Division of the Secretary of State’s Office in which effective dates will be assigned.  The Administrative Procedures Division is the administrative court for the State.

While searching for information on a particular health care professional, consumers should be aware that there are several locations available to aid them with their research.

Links to various Internet sites are available from the Department of Health Website home page and from the Health Professional Boards Website

Request monthly Disciplinary Action Report by e-mail

Tennessee Department of Health issues a monthly media release listing all disciplinary actions taken by the health related boards during the prior month. Receive the monthly Disciplinary Action Report by e-mail. Please include your name, title/position, organization name, office phone and email in your request.

Listing of Monthly Disciplinary Actions Taken by Professional Health Boards