CF204-05 - Fire Plans Examiner I (70)
Fire Plans Examiner I (70)
Overview: This two-week course is designed to meet the NFPA 1031 (2014 Edition) Chapter 7 requirements for Plans Examiner I and will explain in depth processes students need to conduct a plan review fully and competently, from plan submission to close of the project to yearly inspections. Training will begin by walking through a typical plan submission process involving plan review checklists, plan acceptance, pre-con meetings, and issuance of plan review comments. This is followed by a practical tutorial in the principles of plan reading in which students will be taught the basic organization and contents of a typical plan, the types of scales involved in plan review, how to navigate plans, basic elements which make up all drawings, and drawing principles which can be applied to all plans. The course will then train students to identify, enforce, and document the code requirements within the 2018 International Fire Code which must be considered during the plans review process. Training will focus primarily on the 2018 IFC along with the following codes and standards, most of which are referenced by the IFC: 2018 IBC; 2018 NFPA 101 LSC; 2019 NFPA 13; 2019 NFPA 72.
Course Code:
70 Hours
· Contact TFACA for pricing.
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Class Size:
Required Student Materials:
· Pen
· Pencil
· Paper
· Highlighter