Tennessee Riparian Incentives Program
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) is proud to partner with the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority to offer the Tennessee Riparian Incentives Program (TRIP).
The program offers a one time, per acre incentive payments for riparian forest buffer practices when a landowner enters an easement agreement through FSA’s Continuous Signup Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Landowners must implement Conservation Practice 22 (CP-22 Riparian Forest Buffer) in order to be eligible for the incentive payment and maintain that buffer for a minimum of 14 years. For each acre of riparian forest buffer planted in compliance with the FSA CRP rules, TDA will provide a one-time $3,000 per acre incentive payment. This incentive is capped at 5 acres per applicant/landowner. The incentive payment is offered in addition to FSA financial assistance payments provided through CRP.
How to Apply:
- Interested landowners should call or visit their local FSA office for information and assistance enrolling in the Continuous Signup CRP.
How Landowners will receive TDA incentive funding:
- Once the CP-22 practice is complete, FSA staff will generate the FSA Form 848B, which certifies the project completion. This signed form, along with a signed AG0781 from TDA, must be sent to TDA via Sam Marshall at Sam.Marshall@tn.gov.
- Tennessee FSA Office Directory: https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?state=tn&agency=fsa
- FSA CRP information: https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-program/crp-continuous-enrollment/index