319 NPS Grant Program
EPA Section 319
Today, nonpoint source pollution (NPS) is the nation's largest source of water quality problems. It is the main reason that about 40 percent of our surveyed rivers, lakes, and estuaries are not clean enough to meet basic uses such as fishing or swimming. NPS pollution occurs when water runs over land or through the ground, picking up pollutants, and depositing them into rivers, lakes, and coastal waters or introducing them into ground water. NPS pollution is widespread because it can occur any time activities disturb the land or water. Agriculture, forestry, grazing, septic systems, recreational boating, urban runoff, construction, physical changes to stream channels, and habitat degradation are potential sources of NPS pollution. Careless or uninformed household management also contributes to NPS pollution.
To address this diffuse type of pollution, Congress established the Nonpoint Source Program, funded by the US-EPA through Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture administers the Nonpoint Source Program in Tennessee on behalf of US-EPA. This program, created in 1987, provides funds to states, territories and Indian tribes for installing Best Management Practices (BMPs) to stop NPS pollution; providing training, education, and demonstrations; and monitoring water quality.
The TDA-NPS Program is non-regulatory, promoting voluntary, incentive-based solutions. It is a cost-share program, paying for 60% of the cost of a project. It is up to the grantee to come up with the remaining 40%, usually in cash and “in-kind” services. It primarily funds two types of programs:
- Watershed Restoration Projects improve an impaired waterbody, or prevent a not impaired water from becoming placed on the List of Impaired and Threatened Waters. Projects of this type receive highest priority for funding. All projects involving BMPs must be based on an approved “Watershed Based Plan.” Small projects can be funded to write these plans.
- Educational Projects funded through TDA-NPS raise public awareness of practical steps that can be taken to eliminate NPS pollution.
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, local governments, state agencies, soil conservation districts, and universities. For more information, contact Sam Marshall, Ph.D., Manager, Nonpoint Source and CAFO Programs at (615) 837-5306 or sam.marshall@tn.gov. You may also contact specific people through our Employee Directory.
Program Resources
- Documentation of Donated Cash Spent as Match (Word)
- Documentation of Donated Cash Spent as Match (XLS)
- Documentation of Donated Materials for Match (PDF)
- Documentation of Donated Materials for Match (XLS)
- Documentation of Donated Time for Match (PDF)
- Documentation of Donated Time for Match (XLS)
- Progress Report
- Record of Work Provided by Grantee Employees (PDF)
- Record of Work Provided by Grantee Employee (XLS)
- Record of Technical Assistance Provided by Subcontracted Labor (PDF)
- Record of Technical Assistance Provided by Subcontracted Labor (XLS)
- Report of Completed Best Management Practices (PDF)
- Report of Completed Best Management Practices (XLS)
- Education and Outreach Evaluation Form (PDF)
- Education and Outreach Evaluation Form (Word)
- TDA BMP Cost Analysis Form (PDF)
- Baker/Ninemile Creek Watershed Based Plan (Blount, Loudon, and Monroe Cos.)
- Bat Creek Watershed Based Plan/Reduction of Nonpoint Source Pollution in Bat Creek Watershed (Monroe Co.)
- Brown's Creek Watershed Based Plan (Davidson Co.)
- Caney Fork Headwaters (Wilkerson Creek) Watershed Based Plan (Cumberland and Putnam Cos.)
- Clinch-Powell River Watershed Based Plan (Claiborne Co.)
- Cold Creek Watershed Based Plan (Lauderdale Co.)
- Conasauga River Watershed Based Plan (Bradley and Polk Cos.)
- Crooked Fork Watershed Based Plan (Morgan Co.)
- Davis Creek Watershed Restoration Plan (Campbell and Claiborne Cos.)
- Flat Creek Watershed Based Plan (Knox and Union Cos.)
- Gap Creek - Watauga River Watershed Based Plan (Carter, Sullivan, and Washington Cos.)
- Harpeth River Headwaters Watershed Restoration Plan (Rutherford Co.)
- Harpeth River - Spencer Creek Watershed Based Plan (Williamson Co.)
- Hiwassee River Tributaries (Chatata Creek) Watershed Based Plan - Rev. 2021 (Bradley Co.)
- Hinds Creek Watershed Based Plan (Anderson and Union Cos.)
- Little Sycamore Creek Watershed Based Plan (Claiborne Co.)
- Little Sequatchie River Lower (Owen Springs Branch) Watershed Based Plan (Marion Co.)
- Lytle Creek Watershed Based Plan - Rev. 2021 (Rutherford Co.)
- Mansker Creek Watershed Based Plan (Davidson and Sumner Cos.)
- Middle Creek-Shoal Creek Watershed Based Plan (Hamilton Co.)
- Mountain Creek Watershed Based Plan (Hamilton Co.)
- Nolichucky River Watershed Based Plan (Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, and Washington Cos.)
- North Mouse Creek Lower Watershed Based Plan (McMinn Co.)
- Oak Grove-West Fork Red River Watershed Based Plan (Montgomery Co.)
- Obed River Watershed Based Plan (Cumberland and Fentress Cos.)
- Pigeon Roost Creek Watershed Based Plan (Giles Co.)
- Pistol Creek Watershed Based Plan (Blount Co.)
- Richland Creek Watershed Based Plan (Grainger Co.)
- Richland Creek-Blue Creek Watershed Based Plan (Giles and Marshall Cos.)
- Roan Creek Watershed Based Plan (Johnson Co.)
- Roseberry Creek Watershed Based Plan (Knox Co.)
- Rutherford Creek (Grassy Branch) Watershed Based Plan - Rev. 2021 (Maury and Williamson Cos.)
- Stock Creek Watershed Based Plan (Knox Co.)
- Trail Fork-Big Creek (Del Rio) Watershed Based Plan (Cocke Co.)
- Turkey Creek Watershed Based Plan (Gibson and Madison Cos.)