Tennessee Soil and Water Conservation Commission / Soil and Water Conservation Districts
The State Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Tennessee Code Annotated §43-14-201 through 216, provides oversight and assistance to soil and water conservation districts in carrying out programs directed towards soil erosion control and water quality improvement on farmland.
Its statutory duties include appointing two supervisors to the governing board of each soil and water conservation district and establishing procedure for the local election of three other supervisors to each district’s governing board, offering assistance to the supervisors of soil and water conservation districts in carrying out their programs and powers, coordinating the programs of the soil and water conservation districts and encouraging cooperation among them. The Commission further serves to advise the Commissioner of Agriculture on agricultural matters.
The Commission meets four times a year, mostly in conjunction with state-wide agricultural events. All meetings comply with Public Chapter 442, the “Sunshine Law,” requiring public notices of meetings.
The Governor appoints Commission members. Their terms are for three years, with eligibility for reappointment. According to statute, there are to be one farmer and one soil and water conservation district supervisor from each grand division of the state, and one member at large.
The Tennessee Soil and Water Conservation Commission is as follows:
- Pal Neal, SWCD Supervisor from Middle TN.
- Angie Glascock, farmer from Middle TN.
- Eric Dupree, farmer from West TN.
- Tommy Surber, SWCD Supervisor from West TN.
- Doug Bowman, farmer from East TN.
- Dwight King, SWCD Supervisor from East TN.
- Hunter Grills, SWCD Supervisor at-large
Ex-Officio Members:
- Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M., Commissioner, TN Department of Agriculture
- David Salyers, P.E., Commissioner, TN Department of Environment and Conservation
- Keith Carver, PhD, Sr. Vice Chancellor, Sr. Vice President, UT Institute of Agriculture
- Kirk Daniel, President, Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts
For more information, contact Sam Marshall, Land & Water Stewardship Section Administrator, at Sam.Marshall@tn.gov or (615)837-5306.
TSWCC Resources
- Election Nomination Form
- Nominating Petition
- Official Ballot - Full Election
- Election Poll List
- Certification of Election Results
- Appointment Nomination Form
- Tennessee Soil and Water Conservation Commission Directory (Updated May 2024)
- District Supervisor Per Diem Reimbursement Form
- Conflict of Interest Policy and Annual Statement
- Annual Conflict of Interest Statement for SWCD Board Supervisors
- Annual Financial Report Template
- Report of Operational Grant Expenditures
- Email Deposit Notification Form
- Supplier Direct Deposit Authorization
- 2021 Soil and Water Conservation District Statute (Updated)
- Tab 1 - Agricultural District Law
- Tab 2 - Tennessee Open Meetings Act and UT Guidance Document
- Tab 3 - Watershed District Law
- Tab 4 - Attorney General Opinions
- Tab 5 - TDEC Construction Stormwater Permit Streamlining Documents
- Tab 6 - Robert's Rules of Order - Simplified
Soil and Water Conservation District Training
- SWCD Supervisor Training Chapter 1: Election and Appointment
- SWCD Supervisor Training Chapter 2: Financial Management by the SWCD *NEW*
- SWCD Supervisor Training Chapter 3: SWCD History *NEW*
- Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Policy - Statewide List September 2023
- SWCD and Partner Training - August, 2021
- SWCD Training Re: Contribution Agreement Employees - September, 2021
- SWCD Employee Training Update - October, 2021
- SWCD Quarterly Training (Slide Deck) - December, 2022
- SWCD Quarterly Training (Video) - December, 2022