Forecasting Office

Mohammad Molla, Ph.D. | Team Lead
Forecasting Office
Planning Division
James K. Polk Building, Suite 900
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0344

The Forecasting Office is in the Planning Division of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). The office is responsible for the development, maintenance, and application of the Tennessee Statewide Travel Demand Model (TSM). The TSM is used for a number of transportation planning activities. The model results are used to evaluate state and regional level impact of policy decisions on the transportation system and to prioritize projects and programs.

The office also provides the modeling expertise and database required for developing the travel demand models of the 11 Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Tennessee.

The office houses data pertaining to travel behavior within the state. The office also utilizes the data to create various reports and applications.

The three main tasks of the Forecasting Office are as follows:

  • Oversee, develop, maintain and update the Tennessee Statewide Travel Demand Model (TSM) 
  • Provide technical support for the development of Metropolitan Planning Organizations' travel demand models
  • Produce technical reports and applications using travel behavior data