Linear Referencing System (LRS)
Data Collection
Data collection is one of the main tasks at the Roadway Data Office. While the office relies primarily on aerial imagery for the collection of new roadway centerline data, other methods are currently being researched. Once data is collected and quality controlled, they are added to the LRS.
LRS management
Using a GIS, new roadway additions and revisions are edited and the LRS is updated. Additionally, municipal boundaries are maintained and updated when appropriate. LRS management is an integral part of the Roadway Data Office as it helps enforce data quality and integrity prior to data entry. This data is used in making sound planning and programming decisions.
MIRE (Model Inventory of Roadway Elements)
MIRE is a guide provided by the FHWA of “data elements that States could collect to develop a comprehensive roadway and traffic data inventory for safety management” (FHWA, MIRE 2.0). The Roadway Data office is working to ensure TDOT’s data inventory will meet all federal guidelines.

Upgrading TDOT’s LRS
In order to update the data structure and storage methods of the LRS, the Roadway Data office is assisting in upgrading the existing LRS. This new system will seek to add temporal features to the system, a platform for reporting via map-centric web applications, while implementing web-based event data editing. It will also allow us to maintain, visualize, analyze, and report LRS data more efficiently.