October 19, 2018
9:00 am CDT
Tennessee Technological University Roaden University Center Multipurpose Room 1000 North Dixie Avenue Cookeville, TN 38505
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from July 27, 2018 SBE Meeting, September 12
Charter School Subcommittee Meeting, September 21, 2018
Conference Call Meeting, and September 26, 2018 Educator
Preparation & Licensure Subcommittee Meeting
C. Confirmation of the 2018-19 Basic Education Program (BEP)
Review Committee Members
Item to confirm the members of the 2018-19 Basic Education
Program (BEP) Review Committee.
D. Confirmation of the Child Care Advisory Council Members
Item to confirm the members of the Child Care Advisory Council.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Charter School Intervention Policy 6.700
First reading of item to update Level 3 Notice of Probationary Status to close gaps in the requirements.
B. Promotion & Retention Policy 3.300
First reading of item to update language for expectations aligned to grade level standards.
C. Educator Licensure, Rule 0520-02-03
First reading of rule that incorporates educator licensure policy with updated and aligned requirements for all pathways.
D. 2018-19 Special Courses
First reading of a list of special courses that are part of a district’s course offering to be approved for one, three, or six years.
E. Career and Technical Education (CTE), Rule 0520-01-07
First reading to update language to include work-based learning in the Work Experience Agreement and Coordination and Supervision of Student Cooperative-Work Experience sections.
F. Course Standards Approval – Career and Technical Education
First reading of five new career and technical education courses and 23 revised course standards within the STEM and Marketing career clusters. These updates are based on input from secondary, postsecondary, and industry partners on aligning programs of study with current trends.
G. Course Approval – Principles of Transition
First reading of three new elective courses that are aimed at better preparing students with disabilities to enter postsecondary education/training, employment, community involvement, and independent living.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
H. Public Records Requests, Rule 0520-15-01
First reading of item to transition the State Board of Education’s public records policy into a rule in compliance with Public Chapter 712 of 2018.
I. Course Access Program, Rule 0520-01-14
First reading of a new rule to outline processes for the application, approval, and monitoring of course access program providers and courses.
J. Middle Grades Policy 2.102
First reading to update policy to align with high school readiness indicators and strengthen supports for middle grades students.
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Mission Statement Policy 1.000
Final reading of item to update the Board’s mission statement policy to align with current goals. There have been changes since first reading.
B. Personnel Policy 1.300
Final reading of item to update format of policy to current standards. There have been no changes since first
C. Standards Review Policy 3.209
Final reading of item to incorporate recent legislative changes. There have been no changes since first reading.
D. English Language Arts Standards for Permanent Elective Courses
Final reading of item to update ELA standards for the permanent ELA electives for grades 9-12. In addition, final reading of standards for two new courses, Mythology and Etymology and Linguistics. There have been changes since first reading.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2
E. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
First and final reading of item to add newly approved ELA electives, etymology ,mythology, and linguistics, to the list of approved high school courses.
F. List of State Approved Textbooks – Section D (Social Studies, World Languages, CTE Arts, Marketing, Finance, Business Management & Administration
Final reading of textbooks bid for the following subjects: Social Studies, World Languages; CTE Arts, Marketing, Finance, Business Management & Administration. There have been changes since first reading.
G. High School Policy 2.103
Final reading to update policy to align with legislation passed during the 2018 legislative session and to make additional minor clarifications. Since first reading changes have been made to add Cambridge as an elective focus option, remove the English III and Chemistry end-of-course exams per the recommendation of the Assessment Task Force, and update the requirements for the Seal of Biliteracy.
H. Charter Schools – Approval of a Charter School, Rule 0520-14-01-.01
Final reading to update rule to align to Chapter 698 of the Public Acts of 2018 which provides local school boards 60 days review and act upon an amended charter application. There have been changes since first reading.
I. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs, Rule 0520-12-01
Final reading to update rule to make language clarifications, to provide a process for children age 2 ½ to be placed into the 3-6 year old classroom, and to outline the compliance and monitoring requirements for school administered summer camps. There have been changes since first reading.
J. Unsafe School Choice Policy 4.202
Final reading to update references to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in the policy with references to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). There have been no changes since first reading.
K. Data Review Policy 2.600
Final reading of a new policy outlining an assessment and accountability data review process in accordance with Chapter 715 of the Public Acts of 2018. There have been changes since first reading.
L. Teacher & Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading to update policy to clearly define the evaluation guidance and weightings for the 2017-18 school year, clarify language related to portfolio models, propose a new 2nd grade portfolio model and update the achievement measure worksheet. There have been changes since first reading.
M. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
Final reading to update the assessment requirements through which educators demonstrate content and pedagogical competency. Since first reading changes have been made to the name of TFLI to Tennessee Language Center, to add “Other World Languages” to the assessments table, and add an assessment to the ASL endorsement section that was missing on first read due to a clerical error.
N. Learning Centered Leadership Policy 5.101
Final reading to repeal this item as requirements for leader preparation have been included in the Educator Preparation Rule and Educator Preparation Policy; in addition, the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards have been moved to their own policy. Repealing this item will help streamline policies related to educator preparation. There have been no changes since first reading.
O. Education of Incarcerated Students, Rule 0520-01-12
Final reading to update the rule to require the minimum length of the school day for incarcerated students be four hours and to clarify that instruction must be provided by an educator with a valid Tennessee teaching license. There have been no changes since first reading.
P. Special Education Programs and Services – Parent Participation, Rule 0520-01-09-.15
First and final reading of item to correct change that was made that is out of compliance with IDEA.
Q. State Board of Education Charter School Local Education Agency (LEA) Policy 3212 amd 6200 Revisions
First and final reading of two policies specifically pertaining to Board-authorized charter schools. The policies are in regards to water testing (Policy 3212) and student attendance (Policy 6200).
IV. Charter Appeals
A. Aspire Coleman Middle School
Final reading of the appeal by Aspire Coleman Middle School Charter School to the State Board of Education.
B. Blueprint Avodah
Final reading of the appeal by Blueprint Avodah High School to the State Board of Education.
C. Cornerstone Prep Middle School
Final reading of the appeal by Cornerstone Prep Middle School to the State Board of Education.
D. Journey Academy of Success
Final reading of the appeal by Journey Academy of Success to the State Board of Education.
A. David Burnett – Revocation, automatic
B. Stephanie Cole – Revocation, automatic
C. Douglas Jett – Revocation, automatic
D. Brandon Laduc – Revocation, automatic
E. Darin Plumlee – Revocation, automatic
F. Mark Potts – Revocation, automatic
G. Kevin Smothers – Revocation, automatic
H. Lindsay Walton – Restoration*
* Item H is subject to the Emergency Board Rule filed on September 5, 2017, and expired on March 4, 2018, but more particularly Board Policy 5.500 License Restoration.
VII. Adjournment