
Maj. Gen. Warner A. Ross II

Commissioner / The Adjutant General Military

Maj. Gen. (ret.) Jimmie Cole

Deputy Commissioner Military

Brig. Gen. Trent Scates

Deputy Adjutant General Military

Brig. Gen. John C. Kinton

Director of the Joint Staff Military

Brig. Gen. Steven Turner

Assistant Adjutant General, Army Military

Brig. Gen. M. Lee Hartley, Jr.

Assistant Adjutant General, Air Military

Col. (ret.) Jason Glass

Tennessee Military Department, Chief of Staff Military

Patrick Sheehan

Director, Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) Military

Brig. Gen. Todd A. Wiles

Chief of Staff, Air Military

Brig. Gen. (Tenn.) Kevin Stewart

Commanding General Tennessee State Guard Military

Col. Jay Jackson

Director of Staff, Air Military

Col. Mark Tyndall

Chief of the Joint Staff Military

Col. Hunter Belcher

Chief of Staff, Army Military

CW5 Lance Jenkins

Command Chief Warrant Officer Military

Col. Ronald L. Selvidge Jr.

Commander, 134th Air Refueling Wing Military

Col. Brandon Evans

Commander, 164th Airlift Wing Military

Col. Ted Geasley

Commander, 118th Wing Military

Col. Donny W. Hebel

Commander, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment Military

Col. Bryon Olsen

Commander 30th Troop Command Military

Col. Travis McKnight

Commander, 35th Division Sustainment Brigade Military

Col. Wade Reed

Commander, 117th Regiment, Regional Training Institute Military

Col. Anthony Glandorf

Commander 194th Engineer Brigade Military

Command Sgt. Maj. James Crockett

Senior Enlisted Leader Military

Command Sgt. Maj. Heath Young

State Command Sergeant Major Military

CMSgt. Michael M. Johnson

Command Chief Master Sergeant, Air Military