Staff Judge Advocate
The Office of The Staff Judge Advocate (JAG Office) for the Tennessee National Guard is committed to enhancing the readiness of Servicemembers of the Tennessee National Guard as well as protecting and enhancing their morale and welfare, by providing professional and timely legal assistance to all eligible Servicemembers, their family and military retirees. The responsibilities of JAG Officers in the Tennessee National Guard include protecting our rights and laws, as well as advising and defending our Soldiers and Airmen. They investigate, prosecute and defend those charged with crimes in the military, provide legal advice for Tennessee National Guard Servicemembers and work with international contracts. The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate operates the Joint Legal Assistance Center.
Soldiers and Airmen with legal questions or difficulties may contact the Legal Assistance Center for help. Servicemembers from other components or states are handled on a space available basis, and should contact their closest active duty legal assistance office. Soldiers and Airman facing adverse administrative action, such as a reduction or separation, should contact the Trial Defense Service at (703) 601-2300.
The Legal Assistance Center cannot provide legal advice in the areas of military justice, private business transactions, claims or litigation against the government, employment issues (USERRA issues excepted), and matters traditionally handled by the private bar, such as personal injury cases. In addition, the Legal Assistance Center is prohibited from providing in court representation.
To make an appointment to speak with an attorney, call (615) 313-3085 or (615) 313-3054.