Prescribed Burning and Standby
Prescribed Burning and Standby Services are provided for purposes such as:
- site preparation associated with tree planting
- control undesirable vegetation
- pine timber stand improvement
- wildlife and habitat restoration
- fire dependent forests management
- fuel reduction
- warm and/or cool season grass management
Prescribed Burning and Standby Services are not provided for purposes such as:
- Burning brush piles and windrows
- Conversion of land away from an approved natural resource use
Given the somewhat unpredictable nature of fire, prescribed burning in hardwood stands will only be provided under strict burning conditions and techniques to minimize damage to sawtimber and young potential sawtimber or where the landowner and forester agree that damage to hardwood trees is acceptable or desired.
Rates - Prescribed Burning
Minimum Fee | $450.00 |
Greater than 10 acres | $450 plus $45.00 per acre |
Greater than 100 acres | $4,500 plus $35.00 per acre |
- 2.2 Acres = (Minimum fee) $ 450.00
- 50 Acres = 50 Ac x $45.00 = = $ 2,250
- 150 Acres = $4,500 + (50 X $35.00) = $ 6,250
Rates - Standby Services
Landowner conducts prescribed burning; TDF personnel and equipment are onsite and ready to take action if needed.
Minimum Fee | $450.00 |
Traveling to and from the burn site | included in minimum fee |
Initial standby at the burn site | first two hours included in minimum fee |
Extended standby and fire suppression, beyond first two hours | actual cost of personnel & equipment added to minimum fee |
How to Request Services
Contact your local Area Forester to request prescribed burning and standby services by referring to our staff directory.