Producer Diversification – Overview

2024-2025 TAEP Application B – Producer Diversification

50% Cost Share – Maximum Reimbursement - $12,000

The amount of payment is based upon 50% of expenses incurred for eligible program items up to the program maximum.

Approved applicant will receive a revised budget with reimbursement documentation. The revised budget indicates approved items per committee review and cost share allocation amount.
All committee decisions are final.

Applicant Responsibility

It is the applicant’s responsibility to review all TAEP program requirements prior to applying for cost share. Applicant must qualify for program selected at time of application to be considered for approval.

Applicant Eligibility
Educational Requirements
Reimbursement Requirements
Verification Requirements
Applying for TAEP

Producer Diversification Overview

The goal of the Producer Diversification program is to encourage agricultural producers to expand or improve their existing working farm through the production of diversified agricultural products. This program provides cost share opportunities for industry sectors of Agritourism, Fruit & Vegetable, Honey Bee, Horticulture, Organic, and Value-Added Products. Applicant must meet basic eligibility and specific sector requirements to apply. Projects are identified by the sector in which they are eligible. Project categories include farm infrastructure, marketing, and specialized equipment.

Application Proposal, Budget, and Cost Quotes

Applicant must complete an application proposal outlining the applicant’s agricultural operation, educational requirements, marketing plan, proposed project(s), and line-item project budget(s). Written cost estimates from each vendor/supplier are also required with the application proposal.
Researching all costs associated with each proposed project is extremely important. Providing a line-item budget allows the review committee to adjust the budget if there are items requested which are not approved, allowing for a partial project approval if needed. Funding allocation is based upon the final approved budget. Allocation amounts cannot exceed the program maximums. If approved, the applicant must pay for and complete all approved projects prior to submitting their cost share reimbursement request. Only one reimbursement payment is allowed per program.

Application Evaluation

Applications are competitively evaluated by industry sector. Applications must merit financial support, clearly state objectives, provide a sound work plan, and prove applicant expertise necessary to successfully complete project(s). An onsite visit or meeting may be required as part of the evaluation process. Only complete applications which include sufficient information will be considered for evaluation. All committee decisions are final.

Proposed activities must:

•    Demonstrate significant potential for increasing farm income
•    Produce long-term benefits for the farm
•    Be market driven and have a viable marketing plan
•    Establish something new, not maintain ongoing projects
•    Meet all state and local food safety and regulatory requirements

Project Description Sector Project Description Sector
Apiary expansion Honey Bee Processing equipment for on-farm products Value-Added Products
Flail mower Organic Retail shelters for farm produce Agritourism
Packing facility Horticulture Restrooms for public use Agritourism
Greenhouse for growing
Fruit & Vegetable Roller crimper Organic
Honey processor/facility
Honey Bee Loading area/dock Horticulture
Irrigation for farm produce
Fruit & Vegetable Walk-in freezer for farm-fresh meats Value-Added Products

Approved applicants are required to have a current eligible master certification or special requirement equivalent for Producer Diversification at time of reimbursement – not at time of application – to be considered for cost share reimbursement.

Eligible courses are determined by approved sector.
Special requirements/master certification must be completed by the approved applicant.
Special requirements/master certification completed 2021 or after will be accepted.

2024-2025 Special Requirements List

This list features eligible courses and events from 2021-2025 for the Agritourism (Agri-T), Fruit & Vegetable (F&V), and Value-Added Products (VAP) sectors. Eligible master certifications are not included in this list. The list will be updated as new eligible courses become available.

2024-2025 Eligible Master Courses by TAEP Program

Special Requirements

Producer Diversification special requirements focus on education and include conferences, courses, events, master courses, workshops, and specific certifications. Attendance/certification is verified and the registered name must match the approved applicant to be eligible for 50% cost share.

Sector Special Requirement
Agritourism Option #1: Agritourism educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Fruit & Vegetable Option #1: Fruit & Vegetable educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Option #3: GAP certification – applicant must provide certificate and current letter of compliance of time of reimbursement
Honey Bee UT Master Beekeeping (preferred), UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Horticulture UT Master Nursery Producer (preferred), UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy
Organic USDA Organic certification and current letter of compliance
Value-Added Option #1: Value-Added educational courses (2) – applicant must attend two eligible events
Option #2: UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, or TSU New Farmer Academy

How to register for special requirement courses?

The University of Tennessee Institute for Agriculture’s Center for Profitable Agriculture (CPA) administers most of the courses offered. Visit and click on workshops under the educational events tab.

Cornell University offer GAPs Online Produce Safety Training course. Visit for more information.

The Pick Tennessee Conference is an annual agricultural event providing educational and networking opportunities for producers from across Tennessee. will be held February 13-15, 2025 at the Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN. Registration opens in December 2024. Visit for more information.

Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Workshops are held yearly. Visit for more information.

Contact your local UT/TSU Extension office to inquire about master certification courses (UT Master Beekeeping, UT Master Farm Manager, UT Master Farm Family Health & Wellness, UT Master Nursery Producer, or TSU New Farmer Academy) offerings. Visit or

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure courses are eligible for TAEP special requirements.

Email for additional information.