Poultry Grower

2024-2025 TAEP Application A

50% Cost Share – Maximum Reimbursement - $6,000

The amount of payment is based upon 50% of expenses incurred for eligible program items up to the program maximum.

Applicant Responsibility

It is the applicant’s responsibility to review all TAEP program requirements prior to applying for cost share. Applicant must qualify for program selected at time of application to be considered for approval.

Applicant Eligibility
Educational Requirements
Reimbursement Requirements
Verification Requirements
Applying for TAEP

Minimum Requirements

Broilers – 75,000/yr
Non-Broilers – 10,000/yr

Applicant must be a commercial poultry grower meeting the minimum program requirements. Verification of minimum requirements may be requested prior to approval.

Eligible Items & Requirements – Print Version

Eligible Items & Requirements


1. Propane tank — above ground and for swine use only; must be purchased and installed by a Tennessee licensed dealer and be ASME certified (American Society of Mechanical Engineers); 1,000-gallon minimum capacity (small capacity tanks of 500 gallons may be purchased to reach the minimum capacity); concrete pad or footers; contracted labor to install; not eligible – electrical service


New items cannot be previously owned.
Items purchased at an auction are considered used and are not eligible.
Replacement parts are not eligible.

2. Generator — for poultry use only, must be stationary, fixed mounted; minimum of 20 KW per house; concrete pad foundation; contract labor to install; not eligible – portable/PTO generators
3. Feed bin with optional auger and concrete foundation pad — for on farm storage of poultry feed only; must meet housing and feeding system specifications; contract labor to install; not eligible – replacement parts
4. Litter management equipment — must be designated by the manufacturer for poultry house use; equipment includes conveyors/elevators, pull-type spreaders (min. 140-bushel capacity), and poultry specific mounted implements used to windrow, de-cake (house cleaners), till, pulverize, level, sanitize, and/or scrape walls for optimal litter management; not eligible – self-propelled equipment, front end loaders, bucket attachments
5. Overhead trolley system — aid in the removal of mortalities and transport supplies; manual or automated complete system; contract labor to install; not eligible – electrical service
6. Feed bin scales — automated feed bin scales and electronics; contract labor to install and interface; not eligible – electrical service
7. Poultry scales — automated poultry scales with hanging platform; contract labor to install and interface; not eligible – electrical service
8. Environmental pads — reinforced concrete pads for the front/receiving end of the poultry house to allow for better cleaning and disinfection before and after receiving poultry; recommended dimensions: 20’ wide x 24’ deep (front to back) x 6” thick; reinforced concrete, sloped away from the building; contract labor to install
9. Poultry house cleaning equipment — must be designated for poultry house use for cleaning, washing down, and disinfecting the interior of the poultry house; minimum 540 RPM PTO driven sprayer and/or blower rigs; sprayer tank size must be a minimum 200 gallon and PTO driven; blower must be hydraulic or PTO driven; spray attachment optional
10. LED lights and dimmer controllers — must be purchased through a poultry supply company and specified for agricultural use; must have a 5-year warranty; includes LED light fixtures that contain fixed LEDs within the apparatus or built into the fixture as one unit; includes automated dimmer to accommodate higher efficiency LED lighting; contract labor to install and interface dimmer controller only; not eligible – residential grade LED lights, electrical service, wiring, conduit, keyless fixtures
11. Ventilation fans — must be designated for poultry house ventilation use and must be fixed mounted; tunnel fans, stir fans, minimal vent fans; contract labor to install; not eligible – belts, blades, fan cones, shrouds, diffuser guards, mounting hardware
12. Ventilation doors — side vents, attic vents, tunnel doors, and inlets; contract labor to install; not eligible – louvers, shutters, mounting hardware
13. End doors — must be designated for poultry house use; sliding end door, roll-up or bi-fold end door (crank or mechanical) for exterior of poultry house; contract labor to install; not eligible - custom doors, handmade doors
14. Curtains — must be designated by the manufacturer for poultry house use; sidewall drop curtains, inside divider curtains; not eligible – labor to install
15. Cool cell pads — cool cell pads for entire house; contract labor to install
16. Slats for hen houses — must be purchased through a poultry supply company and meet housing system specifications; preassembled plastic slats and pre-cut wooden slats, sticks and structural rail support systems; not eligible – hardware, individual boards or lumber that is not purchased through a poultry supply store or itemized for wooden poultry slats
17. Nesting pads for hen houses — must be designated by the manufacturer for poultry house use
18. Egg conveyor belts — conveyor belts; not eligible – egg packers, tables, repairs
19. Brooders and heaters — must be designated by the manufacturer for poultry house use; full section only; not eligible – repairs, parts, labor
20. Knee braces — must be made of metal and designated by the manufacturer for poultry house use; contract labor to install; not eligible – repairs, parts, lags/bolts
21. Poultry barn alarm system — main control box with sensors for feed, temperature, ventilation, water etc., optional accessories with purchase – antenna, antenna cable, weather resistant case for control box; not eligible – batteries, purchase of sensors only, security surveillance system

Reimbursement Request Deadline – August 1, 2025

Allowable purchase dates for Poultry Grower are from October 1, 2024 – August 1, 2025.
All items, regardless of backorder status, must be purchased (paid in full or financed) by the program reimbursement deadline. Backordered items may be ineligible for cost share if not delivered to the farm by the program deadline.
Receipts must be in the name of the applicant approved for cost share funding.
Quotes and purchase orders do not represent a purchase and are not considered receipts.
Proof of payment may be requested to verify purchase.
See “Reimbursement Requirements” link at the top of the page for more information.

Email poultry.grower@tn.gov for additional information.