Herd Health
2024-2025 TAEP Application A
Maximum Reimbursement - $4,000
Reimbursement is based upon a per head payment instead of a cost share percentage.
Lifetime Limit
This program has a lifetime limit of three (3) reimbursements.
Applicant Responsibility
It is the applicant’s responsibility to review all TAEP program requirements prior to applying for cost share. Applicant must qualify for program selected at time of application to be considered for approval.
Applicant Eligibility
Educational Requirements
Reimbursement Requirements
Verification Requirements
Applying for TAEP
Minimum Requirements
Cattle – 30 head
Applicant must meet minimum requirement of head of livestock for program. Verification of minimum requirements may be requested prior to approval. Head of Livestock = maximum number of single type, regardless of sex or age, at any one time during the last 12 months.
Guidelines, Protocol, & Incentives – Print Version
This is a record keeping reimbursement. Participants must provide complete data when filling out the reimbursement documentation. Reimbursement is based upon a per head payment instead of a cost share percentage.
This program focuses on improving the whole herd health and reputation of Tennessee cattle by encouraging producers to develop a preventative vaccination protocol for their cattle operation. Prioritizing the health and well-being of your cattle is key to a successful operation. A herd health protocol helps to safeguard against sickness and death within the herd. This program targets all beef and dairy cattle. This program requires basic preventative vaccinations that focus on respiratory diseases, Blackleg, and breeding health. Producers are encouraged to work with a Tennessee licensed large animal veterinarian to develop a vaccination protocol for their herd.
What action is required to participate in this program?
Producers will be required to implement the following TAEP Herd Health Protocol and keep records of vaccinations on each individual animal. Information will include animal identification, sex of animal, date vaccinated, castrated, and dehorned. In addition, producers will be required to list the name, lot number, and expiration date for each product administered for respiratory diseases, Blackleg, and Lepto.
TAEP Herd Health Protocol - Required
1. Vaccination for respiratory diseases for IBR, BVD, PI3, and BRSV — all cattle
2. Vaccination for Blackleg with a 7 or 8 way Clostridial — required for cattle under 2 years
3. Vaccination for Lepto — breeding stock only
4. Dehorned — feeder cattle
5. Castrated — consult your veterinarian for tetanus recommendations if banding
Eligible Items
1. TAEP Herd Health Protocol – required
a. Vaccination for respiratory diseases for IBR, BVD, PI3, and BRSV – all cattle
b. Vaccination for Blackleg with a 7 or 8 way Clostridial – required for cattle under 2 years
c. Vaccination for Lepto – breeding stock only
d. Dehorned – feeder cattle
e. Castrated – consult your veterinarian for tetanus recommendations if banding
a. Indicate vaccination activity for each individual animal on the TAEP Herd Health Record.
i. Animal identification
ii. Sex of animal
iii. Date vaccinated, castrated, and dehorned
b. List each vaccination on the TAEP Herd Health Record.
i. Product name
ii. Lot number
iii. Expiration date
2. Additional Opportunities – optional
a. 840 EID Tags – submit the TAEP Herd Health Record listing all 840 EID tags and farm tags
b. BVD-PI Test – submit a copy of lab results (ear notch or genomic test)
c. Pregnancy Exam - Palpation/Ultrasound – TAEP Veterinarian Testing Record/invoice required
d. Treatment for external and internal parasites – indicate product information and date administered on TAEP Herd Health Record
e. Respiratory Booster Vaccination – indicate product information and date administered on TAEP Herd Health Record
f. Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE) – BSE form/receipt completed by a TN licensed large animal veterinarian
g. Trichomoniasis Test – submit a copy of lab results
h. Genomic Testing – submit a copy of Genomic results/receipt
i. Herd Health Management Software/Subscription – submit a copy of herd health management software records along with proof of purchase of software/subscription between October 1, 2024 – August 1, 2025
Herd Health Incentives
Required | $/head |
TAEP Herd Health Protocol | $15 |
Optional | $/head |
840 EID Tags | $2 |
BVD-PI Test | $5 |
Pregnancy Exam – Palpation/Ultrasound | $5 |
Treatment for external and internal parasites | $5 |
Respiratory Booster Vaccination | $10 |
Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE) | $25 |
Trichomoniasis Test | $35 |
Genomic Testing | $40 |
Herd Health Management Software/Subscription | $200 Max. |
Incentives must take place between October 1, 2024 and August 1, 2025. |
Producers are encouraged to combine multiple exams in a single veterinarian visit. For example, Trichomoniasis testing is recommended during BSE exam. It is also recommended to submit ear notch sample for BVD-PI test and secure 840 EID tag for bull during BSE exam.
Reimbursement Request Deadline – August 1, 2025
Allowable purchase dates for Herd Health are from October 1, 2024 – August 1, 2025.
All items, regardless of backorder status, must be purchased (paid in full or financed) by the program reimbursement deadline. Backordered items may be ineligible for cost share if not delivered to the farm by the program deadline.
Receipts must be in the name of the applicant approved for cost share funding. Quotes and purchase orders do not represent a purchase and are not considered receipts.
Proof of payment may be requested to verify purchase.
See “Reimbursement Requirements” link at the top of the page for more information.
Email herd.health@tn.gov for additional information. |