Livestock Equipment
2024-2025 TAEP Application A
50% Cost Share – Maximum Reimbursement - $2,000
The amount of payment is based upon 50% of expenses incurred for eligible program items up to the program maximum.
Applicant Responsibility
It is the applicant’s responsibility to review all TAEP program requirements prior to applying for cost share. Applicant must qualify for program selected at time of application to be considered for approval.
Applicant Eligibility
Educational Requirements
Reimbursement Requirements
Verification Requirements
Applying for TAEP
Minimum Requirements
Cattle – 30 head or Goats/Sheep – 50 head
Applicant must meet at least one of the minimum requirements of head of livestock for program. Verification of minimum requirements may be requested prior to approval. Head of Livestock = maximum number of single type, regardless of sex or age, at any one time during the last 12 months.
Eligible Items & Requirements – Print Version
Eligible Items & Requirements
New items cannot be previously owned.
Items purchased at an auction are considered used and are not eligible.
Replacement parts are not eligible.
1. Alley frame
2. Alleyway
3. Animal scale/indicator
4. Continuous pipe panel (10) — minimum purchase of ten (10); must be installed at the time of reimbursement
5. Corral panel (10) — minimum purchase of ten (10); heavy duty; portable panel, gate in frame/bow gate
6. Crowding/sweep tub
7. Head gate
8. Livestock Trailer — min. 16 ft; at least one cut gate; must be titled (not tagged) in the applicant’s name at time of reimbursement; fees vary from county to county; title will indicate trailer is new regardless of model year; manufacturer’s certificate of origin is not considered a title
9. Loading chute for semi-trailer
10. Palpation cage
11. Pasture gate — minimum purchase of (3); min. 8 ft; heavy duty; must be installed at time of reimbursement; not eligible – gate in frame/bow gate
12. Rolling block door/alley back stop
13. Sheep wool shear — min. 3 in. wide head, min. 2,000 RPM; must be defined by manufacturer for sheep wool
14. Sheep/goat fitting stand
15. Squeeze chute
16. Tilt/roll table or hoof trimming table/chute
17. Ultrasound
18. Automatic cube pellet feeder/cake feeder
19. Concrete bunk feeder (3) — minimum purchase of three (3)
20. Creep feeder — creep pen optional at time of purchase only; not eligible – creep panel
21. Feed bin — gravity or auger flow only
22. Feeder panel (3) — minimum purchase of three (3); slant bar panel; not eligible – creep panel
23. Hay unroller
24. Self-unloading inline hay trailer
25. Sheep/goat automatic milk feeding machine
26. Slant bar hay feeding wagon — multi-bale feeder with wheels; not eligible – feeders on skids, hay rings/feeders
27. Pasture drag/harrow —for the purpose of manure distribution in the pasture; must be commercially manufactured
28. Pasture sprayer — 200 gal. min. tank capacity; PTO, shaft, or hydraulic drive
29. Rotary cutter/pasture clipper — min. 8 ft; not eligible – finishing mower, hay mower, mulching head
30. Wick applicator/wiper — tractor/ATV attachment/mounted only
The following items require a minimum number of items to be purchased to qualify for cost share reimbursement.
Item#4: Continuous pipe panel (10) — minimum purchase of ten (10)
Item#5: Corral panel (10) — minimum purchase of ten (10)
Item#11: Pasture gate (3) — minimum purchase of three (3)
Item#19: Concrete bunk feeder (3) — minimum purchase of three (3)
Item#22: Feeder panel (3) — minimum purchase of three (3)
Reimbursement Request Deadline – April 1, 2025
Allowable purchase dates for Livestock Equipment are from October 1, 2024 – April 1, 2025.
All items, regardless of backorder status, must be purchased (paid in full or financed) by the program reimbursement deadline. Backordered items may be ineligible for cost share if not delivered to the farm by the program deadline.
Receipts must be in the name of the applicant approved for cost share funding.
Quotes and purchase orders do not represent a purchase and are not considered receipts.
Proof of payment may be requested to verify purchase.
See “Reimbursement Requirements” link at the top of the page for more information.
Email for additional information. |