Nut Pie Crust

nut pie crust

Prep Time: 18 minutes
Servings: 8

  • 1 cup pecan pieces
  • 3 tablespoons butter (salted, melted)
  • 6 dates (softened and finely chopped)
  1. Place pecan pieces into a food processor. (You can use a blender, but be careful not to blend them down too small.)
  2. Pulse the processor until the largest pieces are as big as lentils or split peas.
  3. Add the melted butter and dates and blend until mixed evenly.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a 9-inch pie pan, and press the mixture with your fingers to cover the bottom and sides of the pan. The consistency should allow for you to mold the crust to the pie pan evenly.

To use with fruit filling(s): Pour the cooled fruit filling into the unbaked, assembled pie crust and bake for about 35 minutes, or until the filling appears a bit matte on the surface. If needed, cover the crust edges with foil to prevent over-browning.

To use with pudding filling(s): Blind-bake the crust before filling. Bake for 17 to 20 minutes, or until it is rich brown and smells toasty. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely before adding the filling to the pan.

You may add a small amount of spices to the wet ingredients (melted butter) before combining with the remaining ingredients.


There are plenty of reasons to add nuts to your diet. Health-wise, nuts are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants and much-needed fiber. They also may lead to lowering cholesterol and triglycerides and reducing inflammation. The beauty of this recipe is you can choose your favorite nut or a combination of nuts if pecans are not your preference. In addition, for more flavor to compliment the pie filling, you can add a tiny amount of spices to the wet ingredient (melted butter) to compliment the pie filling. For example, vanilla extract and anise to a pumpkin pie.

Choosing a nut pie crust provides a crunchy texture and toasty flavor that a flour crust is unable to match. It also turns a standard pie into a gourmet one. Bon appétit!


Per serving: 154 calories; 2g protein; 15g fat; 7g carbohydrates; 4g sugar; 2g fiber; 26mg sodium; 14mg calcium; 104mg potassium

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