Mental Health Screening
TennCare recognizes the impact that mental health in pregnancy can have on the lives of members.
TennCare’s Managed Care Organizations offer enhanced reimbursement associated with mental health screening when using a validated tool and provide supports for conducting follow-up on women with positive screening results. Further details on these programs, including screening tools are provided in the following resources. For further details on enhanced reimbursement, providers are encouraged to contact their provider representatives for each relevant Managed Care Organization.
Additional resources on perinatal depression can be found here:
- ACOG Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening and Diagnosis of Mental Health Conditions During Pregnancy and Postpartum
- Postpartum Support International - Tennessee
- Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee – Home based intervention services
To learn more, review the Mental Health Screening information from the December 2021 Maternal Health Updates Webinar.
- Mental Health Screening [Slides] *UPDATED MAY 2024*
To find further MCO-specific information, please navigate to the relevant MCO organization below.
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