Tennessee's CHOICES program provides older adults (age 65 and older) & adults with physical disabilities (age 21 and older) who are eligible for needed long-term services and supports in the home/community setting or in a nursing facility.
CHOICES offers services to help a person live in their own home or in the community; these services are considered Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). These services assist individuals with daily living activities and allow people to work and be actively involved in their local community. If needed, CHOICES also provides care in a nursing facility as an alternative to HCBS.
All members in CHOICES are assigned to a group. There are three groups (1, 2 and 3) which provide specific services based on the individual’s needs.
- CHOICES Group 1 is for people of all ages who receive nursing home care.
- CHOICES Group 2 is for adults (age 21 and older) with a physical disability and seniors (age 65 and older) who qualify to receive nursing home care but choose to receive home care services instead.
- CHOICES Group 3 is for adults (age 21 and older) with a disability and seniors (age 65 and older) who don’t qualify for nursing home care but still need care to delay or prevent the need for nursing home care.
To become a CHOICES participant, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
- Medical (Level of Care) Eligibility- This means you need help with daily living activities
- Financial Eligibility- This means you are receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income) payments or qualify for Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports
To qualify for and remain in CHOICES Groups 1 and 2, you must:
- Need the level of care provided in a nursing home; AND
- Qualify financially for Medicaid long- term services and supports.
To qualify for and remain in CHOICES Group 3, you must:
- Be “at risk” of needing the level of care provided in a nursing home unless you receive home care; AND
- Be receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income) payments or qualify for Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports. (As of October 1, 2022, based on current appropriations, there is an enrollment target of 1,750 for non-SSI recipients).
To qualify financially for Medicaid long-term services and supports: (1) Your income can't be more than $2,901 per month for 2025 (three times the SSI Federal Benefit limit; changes annually). If it is, you may be able to set up a Qualifying Income Trust; (2) The total value of things you own can't be more than $2,000 (The home where you live doesn't count); AND (3) You can't have given away or sold anything for less than what it's worth in the last five (5) years.
- The Area Agencies on Aging and Disability (AAAD) can assist applicants not currently enrolled in TennCare in the application process. Additionally, the AAADs serve as a resource for information and education regarding CHOICES and other long-term services and supports.
- If you are interested in applying for CHOICES, contact your local AAAD: Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) TN Map (Use this map to view AAAD’s by County).
- Call 1-866-836-6678 from anywhere in the state to be automatically directed to your nearest Area Agency.
- Current TennCare Members can contact their MCO for more information on how to apply for CHOICES:
- BlueCare: 888-747-8955
- United Healthcare Community Plan: 800-690-1606
- Wellpoint (formerly known as Amerigroup): 833-731-2153
To access the CHOICES Member Videos, view them on the TennCare Videos page.
Consumer Direction is a way to obtain the home care you need that provides greater choice and control over WHO provides your care and HOW it is delivered, compared to receiving CHOICES services from a provider agency.
In Consumer Direction, you become the employer of the people who provide your home care services, allowing you to hire, train, and schedule workers yourself instead of going through a provider agency. Although you can hire family members, friends, neighbors, or other acquaintances to provide care in Consumer Direction, there may be some limitations.
Consumer Direct Care Network Tennessee (CDTN) is the Fiscal Employer Agent (FEA) in Tennessee.
- Questions? Contact the LTSS Help Desk at 1-877-224-0219.
- How do I access TennCare Cover Kids and Medicare Savings Programs? Go to TennCare Connect.
- How Do I find a nursing home in Tennessee? Health Facilities Commission.
- I live in a nursing home or assisted care living facility and need help resolving questions or problems with my care. Contact your local district Long Term Care Ombudsman.
- Do you need free legal advocacy services regarding your care? Contact Disability Rights TN.
- Do you need additional information? View the CHOICES Brochure.