July 27, 2018
9:00 am CDT
425 5th Ave N Cordell Hull Building House Hearing Room I Nashville, TN
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from Charter School, Educator Preparation
and Licensure, and Teacher Discipline Subcommittee Meetings,
April 20, 2018 and May 23, 2018 Board Meetings
C. Adoption of Meeting Dates for 2019
List of proposed meeting dates for 2019.
II. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Mission Statement Policy 1.000
First reading of item to update the Board’s mission statement policy to align with current goals.
B. Board Members Policy 1.200
First reading of item to update policy to reflect legislative and procedural changes.
C. Personnel Policy 1.300
First reading of item to update format of policy to current standards.
D. Standards Review Policy 3.209
First reading of item to incorporate recent legislative changes.
E. English Language Arts Standards
First reading of item to update ELA standards based on the results of an implementation check conducted with educator feedback and review.
Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
F. Board Meetings Policy 1.400
First reading of item to update Board meetings policy in accordance with recent legislation.
G. High School Policy 2.103
First reading to update policy to align with legislation passed during the 2018 legislative session and to make additional minor clarifications.
H. Minimum Requirements for the Approval of Public Schools, Rule 0520-01-03
First reading to update rule to align with legislation passed during the 2018 legislative session and to make additional minor clarifications.
I. Charter Schools – Approval of a Charter School, Rule 0520-14-01-.01
First reading to update rule to align to Chapter 698 of the Public Acts of 2018 which provides local school boards 60 days review and act upon an amended charter application.
J. Unsafe School Choice Policy 4.202
First reading to update references to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in the policy with references to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
K. Teacher & Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
First reading to update policy to clearly define the evaluation guidance and weightings for the 2017-18 school year, clarify language related to portfolio models, propose a new 2nd grade portfolio model and update the achievement measure worksheet.
L. License Restoration Applications Policy 5.500
First reading of policy to align with State Board Rule 0520-02-03-.09: Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension and Revocation as well as current practice.
M. Professional Assessments Policy 5.105
First reading to update the assessment requirements through which educators demonstrate content and pedagogical competency.
N. Learning Centered Leadership Policy 5.101
First reading to repeal this item as requirements for leader preparation have been included in the Educator Preparation Rule and Educator Preparation Policy; in addition, the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards have been moved to their own policy. Repealing this item will help streamline policies related to educator preparation.
O. Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs, Rule 0520-12-01
First reading to update rule to make language clarifications, to provide a process for children age 2 ½ to be placed into the 3-6 year old classroom, and to outline the compliance and monitoring requirements for school administered summer camps.
P. List of State Approved Textbooks – Section D (Social Studies, World Languages, CTE Arts, Marketing, Finance, Business Management & Administration
First reading of textbooks bid for the following subjects: Social Studies, World Languages; CTE Arts, Marketing, Finance, Business Management & Administration.
Summary Full List
Q. Data Review Policy 2.600
First reading of a new policy outlining an assessment and accountability data review process in accordance with Chapter 715 of the Public Acts of 2018.
R. Education of Incarcerated Students, Rule 0520-01-12
First reading to update the rule to require the minimum length of the school day for incarcerated students be four hours and to clarify that instruction must be provided by an educator with a valid Tennessee teaching license.
III. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Course Approval
Final reading of three new statewide dual credit courses, Statewide Dual Credit Criminal Justice, Statewide Dual Credit Pre- Calculus, Statewide Dual Credit Statistics. These courses have gone through the three-year development process to ensure the learning objectives and challenge exam questions meet current postsecondary expectations across the state. There have been no changes since first reading.
B. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
First and final reading to three new statewide dual credit courses, Statewide Dual Credit Criminal Justice, Statewide Dual Credit Pre-Calculus, and Statewide Dual Credit Statistics, to the list of approved high school courses.
C. Employment Standards, Rule 0520-01-02-.03
Final reading of item to remove the CTE Director Matrix requirement which is a duplication of reporting efforts from CTE administrators for the employment standard. There have been no changes since first reading.
D. English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
Final reading of item to make some minor wording clarifications. There have been changes since first reading.
E. Educator Preparation, Rule 0520-02-04
Final reading of a rule regarding educator preparation, including requirements for reporting on, monitoring, and approving educator preparation programs. Minor changes have been made since first reading to align with new legislation and changes have been made based on public comments received by the state board.
F. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
Final reading of item to update Educator Preparation Policy to include requirements for leader preparation programs. Minor changes have been made since first reading to align with updates made to the proposed Educator Preparation Rule.
G. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
Final reading of item to revise licensure requirements for out-of-state teachers and to adjust the number of professional development points various activities can earn. There have been changes since first reading.
H. Educator Preparation Providers (EPP) and Specialty Area Program (SAP) Approvals
First and final reading to recommend three EPPs for full approval after comprehensive review (Lee University, University of Tennessee Martin, Teach for America Memphis).
I. K-8 Computer Science Standards
Final reading of standards for K-8 computer science instruction. Since first reading the Tennessee Academic Standards Connection Examples have been added. There have been changes since first reading.
J. Charter Schools - Annual Authorizer Fee, Rule 0520-14-01-.05
Final reading of item to align authorizer fee practices to the 2017 High Quality Charter Schools Act. Changes have been made based on feedback received from charter school authorizers and charter school operators. There have been changes since first reading. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING
K. Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards Policy 5.106
Final reading of item to move the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards to its own policy and to make updates to the standards, which were previously included in the Learning Centered Leadership Policy. There have been no changes since first reading.
L. School Attendance Policy 4.100
Final reading of item to update policy to address circumstances under which students participating in a school-approved off-campus activity may be counted as present. There has been one change since first reading.
M. District & School Improvement Planning Policy 2.101
Final reading of item to update policy to align with new state and federal requirements for school improvement planning. There have been no changes since first reading.
N. Homebound Instruction for Pregnant Students, Rule 0520-01-02-.10
Final reading of rule to align with a recently approved a bill that requires LEAs to establish a homebound instruction program of at least three hours per week for all students who qualify. There have been changes since first reading.
O. Charter School Authorizing Mission Policy 6.100
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
P. Charter School Revocation Policy 6.110
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been changes since first reading.
Q. Charter School Core Authorizing Principles Policy 6.200
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
R. Charter School Application Review Policy 6.300
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
S. Charter School Agreements Policy 6.400
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
T. Charter School Oversight and Evaluation Policy 6.500
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
U. Charter School Autonomy Policy 6.600
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
V. Charter School Intervention Policy 6.700
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There has been a small typographical change on page two since first reading.
W. Charter School Renewal Policy 6.800
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been changes since first reading.
X. Charter School LEA as Sponsor Policy 6.900
Final reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards. There have been no changes since first reading.
Y. SBE Charter School Local Education Agency Policies Revisions
First and final reading of updates to the policies that govern Board-authorized charter schools.
Z. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
Final reading of item to further clarify the procedures for awarding additional weighting and/or quality points for students who have completed early post-secondary courses. Since first reading changes were made to the local grading policy requirements to align with Chapter 920 of the Public Acts of 2018. There have been changes since first reading.
AA. 2018-19 State Board of Education Master Plan
First and final reading of the Master Plan of the State Board of Education for the 2018-19 school year. This plan is developed annually based on Board member priorities along with input from the staff.
BB. Standard Setting for Social Studies Petitions for Declaratory Order
First and final reading of student performance levels for grades 3-8 social studies.
IV. DHS Licensure Actions
A. Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) Defaults
Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by the Department of Human Services as being in default on child support pursuant to T.C.A. 36-5-706.
V. Teacher Revocation Appeal Items
A. Michael Young
“Pursuant to the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, the Board is required to hear Mr. Young’s appeal of the Initial Order of the Administrative Law Judge.”
B. Petitions for Declaratory Order
Vote on whether to convene contested case hearings on petitions for declaratory order received by the Board.
VI. Teacher License Actions
A. Corey Alexander – Denial of Reinstatement*
B. Jeffrey Blackburn – Revocation*
C. Billy Ray Duncan - Revocation
D. Shawna Finstad – Suspension, 2 years, with contingency*
E. Chester Fulton – Revocation*
H. William Johnson - Revocation
I. Jeremiah Justice – Suspension, 1 year, with contingency* This item was voted on at the meeting to be sent back to the staff for more deliberation
J. Linda Lytle – Suspension, 2 years retroactive, with contingency
K. Robert McDanie - Formal Reprimand* This item was voted on at the meeting to be sent back to the staff for more deliberation
N. Angela Reed – Suspension, 2 years retroactive, with contingency
O. Michael Shepard – Revocation, automatic
P. Daniel Thompson – Suspension, 2 years, with contingency
* Items A, B, D, E, F, I, K, and L are subject to the Emergency Board Rule filed on September 5, 2017, and expired on March 4, 2018.
VII. Adjournment