April 20, 2018
9:00 am CDT
Tennessee Higher Education Commission Board Conference Room 18th Floor - Parkway Towers 404 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243
I. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
A. Adoption of Agenda
B. Approval of Minutes from January 26, 2018
C. KIPP Nashville Primary Charter Agreement Amendment #1
II. Report Items
A. Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition
Report on the Tennessee 2017 Title I Distinguished Schools.
III. Action Items (First Reading)
A. Course Approval
First reading of three new statewide dual credit courses, Statewide Dual Credit Criminal Justice, Statewide Dual Credit Pre- Calculus, Statewide Dual Credit Statistics. These courses have gone through the three-year development process to ensure the learning objectives and challenge exam questions meet current postsecondary expectations across the state.
B. Administrative Rules & Regulations - Employment Standards, Rule 0520-01-02-.03
First reading of item to remove the CTE Director Matrix requirement which is a duplication of reporting efforts from CTE administrators for the employment standard.
C. English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Policy 3.207
First reading of item to make some minor wording clarifications.
D. Educator Preparation, Rule 0520-02-04
First reading of a rule regarding educator preparation, including requirements for reporting on, monitoring, and
approving educator preparation programs.
E. Educator Preparation Policy 5.504
First reading of of item to update Educator Preparatoin Polcy to include requirements for leader preparation programs.
F. Educator Licensure Policy 5.502
First reading of item to revise licensure requirements for out-of-state teachers and to adjust the number of professional
development points various activities can ear.
G. K-8 Computer Science Standards
First reading of standards for K-8 computer science instruction.
H. Charter Schools - Annual Authorizer Fee, Rule 0520-14-01-.05
First reading of item to align authorizer fee practices to the 2017 High Quality Charter Schools Act.
I. Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards Policy 5.106
First reading of item to move the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards to its own policy and to make updates to the standards, which were previously included in the Learning Centered Leadership Policy.
J. School Attendance Policy 4.100
First reading of item to update policy to address circumstances under which students particpating in a school-approved off-campus activity may be counted as present.
K. District & School Improvement Planning Policy 2.101
First reading of item to update policy to align with new state and federal requirements for school improvement planning.
L. Charter School Authorizing Mission Policy 6.100
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
M. Charter School Revocation Policy 6.110
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
N. Charter School Core Authorizing Principles Policy 6.200
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
O. Charter School Application Review Policy 6.300
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
P. Charter School Agreements Policy 6.400
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
Q. Charter School Oversight and Evaluation Policy 6.500
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
R. Charter School Autonomy Policy 6.600
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
S. Charter School Intervention Policy 6.700
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
T. Charter School Renewal Policy 6.800
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
U. Charter School LEA as Sponsor Policy 6.900
First reading of item to update the policy to align it with current statute and practice and the Tennessee quality authorizing standards.
V. Administrative Rules & Regulations - Homebound Instruction for Pregnant Students, Rule 0520-01-02-.10
First reading of rule to align with a recently approved bill that requires LEAs to establish a homebound instruction program of at least three hours per week for all students who qualify.
W. Uniform Grading Policy 3.301
First reading of item to further clarify the procedures for awarding additional weighting and/or quality points for students who have completed early postsecondary courses.
IV. Action Items (Final Reading)
A. Licensure Renewal Transition Policy 5.202
Final reading to delete policy which is expired and no longer in use. There have been no changes since first reading.
B. Learning Centered Leadership Policy 5.101
Final reading to update reporting requirements for programs preparing instructional leaders. These requirements align with the Educator Preparation Policy. There have been no changes since first reading.
C. Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Unit and Specialty Area Program (SAP) Approvals
Final reading to recommend four EPPs for full approval after comprehensive review (Southern Adventist, TSU, Vanderbilt, and Martin Methodist).
D. Career Ladder, Rule 0520-02-02
Final reading of item to update the Career Ladder Rule. Chapter 214 of the Public Acts of 2013 eliminated any new
career ladder payments but required the state board to develop guidelines, criteria and administrative rules as necessary to assure the payment of career ladder supplements to eligible recipients so long as they remain in positions in the public schools that qualify for such supplements. The rules were first updated in February 2014 and this item provides further clarification of those. There have been no changes since first reading.
E. Teacher & Administrator Evaluation Policy 5.201
Final reading of item to include a process for charter schools to propose an alternate observation model for use in teacher evaluation, update and clarify the process for assigning qualitative ratings, and clarify the number of observations required for teachers without a previous year's Level of Overall Effectiveness (LOE).
F. Course Approval
Final reading of item to new and revised courses within the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security and Marketing career clusters that better align with postsecondary pathways, incorporate added instructional rigor, and reflect the competitive employment demands of our state. Also final reading of the TN Student Success general education elective course.
G. Approved High School Courses Policy 3.205
Final reading of item to add Criminal Justice IV: Practicum and Supply Chain Management Practicum to the list of approved high school courses.
H. Charter Schools - Approval of a Charter School, Rule 0520-14-01-.01
Final reading of item to update the rules for the charter school application process. The rules will establish consistent application practices across authorizers and set expectations for charter school applicants. There have been no changes since first reading.
I. Coordinated School Health Program Policy 4.204
Final reading of item to update policy to align with current law and practice.
J. Health Education & Lifetime Wellness Standards
Final reading of item to revise health education standards to include information on the prevention of opioid abuse. There have been no changes since first reading.
K. SBE Charter School LEA Policy Additions – Records Retention Policy 1408 and Test Security Policy 4701
Final reading of item to update the policy manual governing Board-authorized charter schools by adding two new policies. There has been one minor change to Policy 4701 since first reading. Policy 1408
L. SBE Charter School LEA Policy Revision
Final reading of updates to the policies that govern Board-authorized charter schools.
M. Quality Charter Authorizing Standards Policy 6.111
Final reading of proposed charter school authorizing standards as required by the Tennessee High-Quality Charter Schools Act. There have been no changes since fist reading.
N. Charter School Appeals Policy 2.500
Final reading of updates to the policy governing the State Board’s charter school appeals process.
O. License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Procedure Policy 5.501
Final reading of item to update the License Denial, Suspension, and Revocation Procedure Policy to align with updated State Board rules on educator licensure discipline practices.
P. Special Education Programs and Services - Parent Participation, Rule 0520-01-09-.15
Final reading of item to update this rule to require school districts to provide parents a copy of a draft Individualized Education Program (IEP) at least 48 hours before a scheduled IEP meeting, if the school or district creates such a draft.
Q. Charter Schools - Enrollment, Rule 0520-14-01-.04
Final reading of item to make one revision at the request of the General Assembly's Joint Government Operations Committee.
R. High School Policy 2.103
Final reading of an item to increase distrist flexibility in including 2017-18 EOC scores in students' grades.
V. Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) Default Actions
A. TSAC Defaults
Final reading of the list of individuals who hold a teaching license and who have been identified by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation as being in default on a student loan pursuant to T.C.A. 49-5-108(d)(2).
VI. Teacher License Actions
A. This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
B. This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
C. Jammie Castleman – Revocation
D. This item was removed from the agenda during the meeting
E. Jason Hunt – Revocation
F. Stanley Jones – Suspension, Two (2) Years, Retroactive
G. Alfred Lloyd – Revocation
H. Dianne Lowery - Revocation
I. This item was vacated
J. Pamela McClanahan – Suspension, One (1) Year
K. Elizabeth McIntyre – Suspension, Two (2) Years, Retroactive
L. John Thomas Mullinicks – Revocation, Automatic
VII. Adjournment