Stop Sale Order

If your business received either of these STOP SALE ORDER forms, then a violation was identified at the site or there was an issue with the fuel sample that was collected when the inspector was at your place of business.
A Notice of Violation and Enforcement Action letter will be sent to your place of business and a Civil Penalty may also be assessed to this finding depending on the severity of the finding and if it is a reoccurrence (repeated) finding.
Please return the completed STOP SALE ORDER form, including any supporting documentation, within seven (7) days to The following items must be filled out on the form:
- Sign and date the STOP SALE ORDER form acknowledging the STOP SALE as the Owner/Operator.
- Indicate how you plan to correct the violation (Transferred To, Relabeled, or Other) in the Disposition Section. You may need to contact the company handling your fuel deliveries.
Remember to purge the lines and change out filters to avoid a repeat violation. Within approximately five (5) days, an inspector will collect a follow-up sample to ensure the correction made by the owner/operator shows the fuel product is in compliance.
Failure to stop selling the fuel product identified by the STOP SALE may result in additional Civil Penalties being assessed to your location. If the inspector sees that the fuel is still being sold, they will collect another sample and submit it for re-testing purposes.