Moving Honey Bee Colonies
Any honey bees or used beekeeping equipment must be inspected by an appropriate official of the state and certified to be apparently free of infectious or contagious regulated bee diseases and pests prior to being moved into, out of, through or within the State of Tennessee.
No bees may be sold, offered for sale, moved, or transported, shipped or delivered within the state, unless they have been inspected by an appropriate official of the state and certified to be apparently free of infectious or contagious regulated bee diseases and pests.
All persons desiring to move bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances into the state must apply to the department for a permit. Such application shall be accompanied by a certificate of health certifying that all bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances have been inspected by an authorized official within thirty (30) days prior to transportation into Tennessee, and that such bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances were found apparently free from any regulated diseases or pest.
Any person wanting to move live bees in beehives or empty brood combs (combs that have been used for rearing bee brood) into the state must apply to the department for an entry permit. Such application shall be accompanied by a certificate of health from the originating state's regulatory agency certifying that all bees and beehives and used brood combs have been inspected by an authorized official thirty (30) days prior to transportation into Tennessee. The certificate of health must show what diseases and pests were found as a result of the inspection. The state apiarist shall review the application and the health certificate and will determine whether or not an entry permit shall be granted and what conditions or requirements must be met prior to entry.
Any person, firm or corporation transporting colonies and/or used beekeeping equipment into, within, or through the state must secure the hives and equipment in such a manner as to prevent the escape of bees.
The state apiarist and all apiary inspectors shall be empowered to intercept any person or persons transporting colonies or appliances to determine if the person or persons have the required inspection certificates.
Colonies, beehives, slumgums, used bee equipment or appliances brought into this state in violation of any applicable rules and regulations of the department shall be removed by the owner from this state and returned to their state of origin within five (5) days after notification by the department. Failure to comply may result in confiscation without any remuneration to the owner.