Apiary Forms
- Apiary Inspection Request
- Apiary Registration Form (Online)
- Apiary Registration Form (Hard Copy)
- Application to Move Honeybees or Used Equipment into TN
- Application to Establish an Experimental Apiary in TN
- Honeybee Best Management Practices Policy
- Honeybee Best Management Practices Agreement
- Reporting Movement of Honeybee Colonies for Pollination within TN
- Request for Apiary Information
- Request to be Placed on Pollinator List for Growers
- Request to be Placed on Swarm Removal Services List
- Request to be Placed on Structural Honeybee Removal List
- Request to be Placed on List to Sell Local Honey and Other Products
- Request to be Removed From Any/All Above Lists
- Apiary Section Complaint Form