Multimodal Transportation Resources Division
James K. Polk Building, Suite 1200
505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615.253.1051

Dan Pallme
Interim Director
The Multimodal Transportation Division supports mobility for all through public transportation, bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure, complete streets and transportation demand management.
The Division's Office of Public Transportation administers state and federal transit grants, provides compliance oversight, and works in partnership with transit agencies to support ridership, mobility, and accessibility.
The Office of Multimodal Planning implements TDOT's Multimodal Access Policy, administers the Multimodal Access Grant, reviews all TDOT projects for opportunities to expand pedestrian, bicycle, and low-speed mobility access, and facilitates communications with external stakeholders.
TDOT Multimodal Project Scoping Manual
Transportation has a considerable influence on the quality of life in communities. On TDOT projects, early coordination with local governments in the phases of project development is needed to ensure a project’s success. Excellent transportation is critical for the public’s mobility, safety, economy, and health. The purpose of the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Multimodal Project Scoping Manual is to provide designers, planners, and decision-makers with guidance for incorporating multimodal elements into transportation projects. The intended audience are those involved with state or federally funded projects in Tennessee.
Tennessee Transit: Today and Tomorrow
In 2016, TDOT Multimodal Transportation Resources Division conducted a statewide assessment of public transit service and needs. The results of the assessment, which include insight into current and future public transportation needs in the State of Tennessee, provide decision makers with critical information to understand future transit needs and to develop policies on how best to provide public transportation funding in the future.
A summary of the assessment is available in a four-page report titled Tennessee Transit: Today and Tomorrow. Click the link to view or download the report in Adobe PDF format.