Section 5310: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities
The purpose of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 program is to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation services and expanding the transportation mobility options available to seniors and individuals with disabilities.
5310 Annual Call for Projects
TDOT holds an annual Call for Projects seeking applications to fund eligible projects for non-profits organizations and public agencies located in small urban and rural areas. Please review the program Fact Sheet for more information about eligibility and other program requirements.
For questions regarding TDOT's 5310 Program, please contact
Program Information and Subrecipient Resources
Chattanooga Coordinated Plan
Clarksville Coordinated Plan
Cleveland Coordinated Plan
DHRA Coordinated Plan
ETHRA Coordinated Plan
Johnson City Coordinated Plan
Knoxville Coordinated Plan
Memphis Coordinated Plan
MCHRA Coordinated Plan
Morristown Coordinated Plan
NWHRA Coordinated Plan
Tri-Cities Coordinated Plan
UCHRA Coordinated Plan
SCTDD Coordinated Plan
SETHRA Coordinated Plan
SWHRA Coordinated Plan
Ongoing Reporting
Section 5310 Quarterly Status Reporting Form - Due January, April, July, and October 20th
Section 5310 Maintenance Log - Due annually
Vehicle Inspection Sheet - Due annually
Other Vehicle Reporting
Final Disposal of Vehicle Capital Asset Sheet