
The procurement process is a foundational program process that enables a transit agency to operate successfully and have access to the tools needed for efficient and effective operations.  Procurement, however, is an extremely complicated process for an agency to navigate and always ranks as one of the top reasons States and agencies receive findings in FTA state management and triennial reviews. In an effort to assist Tennessee transit agencies TDOT Multimodal has developed this website to provide the tools needed

  • To establish a compliant, comprehensive, easy to use (as much as is possible for procurement) procurement policy,
  • For advance planning of procurements, and     
  • For developing a procurement transaction through guided procurement transaction worksheets.
Procurement Policy

A sample procurement policy template is provided for agencies to use and incorporate into their transit system policy.

Procurement Planning

Procurement planning spreadsheets were created by the Office of Public Transportation to assist sub-recipients with short and long-term procurement planning.

Procurement Transaction Review

Outlines to guide agencies through the various procurement development processes

Procurement Resources

External resources to assist in procurement development and policy updates

For questions about Procurement or TDOT's Procurement Review Process click below: