August 4, 2023 SBE Meeting

August 4, 2023


August 4, 2023

9:00 am


In-Person: Tennessee Board of Regents Office 1 Bridgestone Park Nashville TN 37214 Livestreaming:


Welcome & Introductions

I.             Consent Items

               A.            Adoption of Agenda    

               B.           Minutes from May 19, 2023 SBE Meeting and
                              June 22, 2023 Special Called Meeting

               C.          2024 State Board of Education (SBE) Quarterly Meeting Dates    
                             Item to approve the 2024 State Board of Education Meeting

 II.          Report Items

               A.            State Board of Education Member Updates Board Members                      
                               Members will share information about participation in regional stakeholder groups and days in the district.

               B.            Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Allocations for FY 2023-24    
                               Report from the State Department of Education on the TISA allocations.

III.          Action Items (First Reading)

               A.            Physical Education Course Standards    
                               First reading of item to propose revisions to the Physical Education Standards. These revisions were conducted in                                                 collaboration with Tennessee physical education teachers, curriculum leaders, and higher education faculty from across
                               the state.
                                                                      Grades K-5                                   Grades 6-8                                 Grades 9-12

               B.            Health Education Course Standards      
                               First reading of item to propose revisions to the K-12 Health Education Standards.  These   revisions   were   conducted in                                   collaboration with Tennessee health education teachers, coordinated school health coordinators, and higher education                                     faculty from across the state.
                                                                     Grades K-5                                    Grades 6-8                                 Grades 9-12

               C.            Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Standards    
                               First reading of item to propose revisions to several Career and Technical Education (CTE) course standards in the                                                 following career clusters: Advanced Manufacturing; Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Arts, A/V, Technology, and                                     Communications; Business Management and Administration; Health Science; Information Technology. 
                                            Attachment 1                Attachment 10                Attachment 19              Attachment 28              Attachment 37
                                            Attachment 2                Attachment 11                Attachment 20              Attachment 29              Attachment 38
                                            Attachment 3                Attachment 12                Attachment 21              Attachment 30              Attachment 39
                                            Attachment 4                Attachment 13                Attachment 22              Attachment 31              Attachment 40
                                            Attachment 5                Attachment 14                Attachment 23              Attachment 32              Attachment 41
                                            Attachment 6                Attachment 15                Attachment 24              Attachment 33              Attachment 42
                                            Attachment 7                Attachment 16                Attachment 25              Attachment 34              Attachment 43
                                            Attachment 8                Attachment 17                Attachment 26              Attachment 35
                                            Attachment 9                Attachment 18                Attachment 27              Attachment 36

               D.            High School Career Exploration Course Standards     
                               First reading of item to propose three new high school career exploration courses and revise the Job for American                                                 Graduates 12th grade course.
                                                      Course I                             Course II                             Course III                          Course IV

               E.            District and School Operations – Alternative Education Rule 0520-01-02-.03    
                              First reading of revisions to the Alternative Education Rule to align with recent legislation. 

               F.            Academic and Instructional Requirements – Academic Program Requirements Rule 0520-01-03-.03 and Civics Rule 0520-01-03-.07                                First reading of item to revise the Academic and Instructional Requirements rule to create new pathways to a high school                                  equivalency program and align with recent legislation.

               G.          District and School Operations – State Enrollment and Attendance Guidelines Rule 0520-01-02-.17                                                                                         First reading of item to propose technical revisions in alignment with Public Chapter 114 of 2023 to remove specific                                             references to the GED or HiSET assessments and refer instead to a high school equivalency credential approved by the                                       State Board.

               H.          Employment Standards – Employment Standards for Supervisors Rule 0520-02-06-.03 and -.04   
                             First reading of item to propose technical revisions in alignment with Public Chapter 114 of 2023 to remove specific                                             references to the GED or HiSET assessments and refer instead to a high school equivalency credential approved by the                                       State Board.

               I.            Standards for School Administered Child Care Programs – Staff Rule 0520-12-01-.07      
                             First reading of item to propose technical revisions in alignment with Public Chapter 114 of 2023 to remove specific                                             references to the GED or HiSET assessments and refer instead to a high school equivalency credential approved by the                                       State Board.

               J.            Public Records Request Rule 0520-15-01     
                             First reading of item to propose various revisions to this rule to comply with state law, update point of contact information,                               clarify processes for providing electronic records, and address typographical edits.

               K.          Education of Incarcerated Students Rule 0520-01-12   
                             FIrst reading of item to revise Education of Incarcerated Students Rule 0520-01-12 to clarify requirements for serving                                           tudents with disabilities in juvenile detention centers.

               L.           Education Savings Account Rule 0520-01-16-.02, -.04, -.06, -.08, and -.10    
                             First reading of item to revise various rule sections of Education Savings Account Chapter 0520-01-16 to align student                                         eligibility requirements with Public Chapter 171 and Public Chapter 328 of the 2023 session. Revisions expand eligibility                                       requirements to students in Hamilton County and makes other clean-up revisions to assist with effective implementation                                 of the ESA program.

              M.          Educator Licensure – Endorsement Exemptions and Permits Rule 0520-02-03-.11 and -.12     
                             First reading of item to effectuate Public Chapter 284 and Public Chapter 280 of the 2023 legislation session. This item                                         creates a new Clinical Practice Permit type to allow an individual who has completed all required coursework at their                                           Educator Preparation Program (EPP) except for the clinical practice requirement to receive a temporary teaching permit to                                 satisfy the clinical practice requirement. This item also authorizes the Department to issue endorsement exemptions for                                   elementary physical education courses.

             N.           Individualized Education Accounts Rule 0520-01-11-.02, -.04, -.05, and -.09   
                            First reading of item to revise the Individualized Education Accounts rule to align language with recent federal guidance                                      regarding students with disabilities enrolled in state-funded school voucher and scholarship programs.

             O.           License Reinstatement and Restoration Applications Policy 5.500     
                            First reading of revisions to the License Reinstatement and Restoration Applications Policy to incorporate approved                                              revisions to the Licensure Discipline Rule.

             P.           Permit and License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Policy 5.501    
                           First reading of revisions to the Permit and License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Policy to align                                   with approved revisions to the Licensure Discipline Rule.

IV.        Action Items (Final Reading)

             A.          School Counseling Model and Standards Policy 5.103 
                           Final reading of item to revise the School Counseling Model and Standards Policy 5.103 to remove a reference to the Basic                                 Education Program (BEP) due to passage of the Tennessee Investment Student Achievement (TISA) Act.  There have been no                             changes to this item since first reading.

             B.          Special Education Caseload and Class Size Standards Policy 3.206    
                           Final reading of item to revise the Special Education Caseload and Class Size Policy 3.206 to remove a reference to the Basic                               Education Program (BEP) due to passage of the Tennessee Investment Student Achievement (TISA) Act. This item also                                         makes several clean-up revisions to align with current law and practice.  There have been minor changes to this item since                                 first reading.

             C.          Coordinated School Health Program Policy 4.204      
                           Final reading of item to revise the Coordinated School Health Program Policy 4.204 to remove a reference to the Basic                                         Education Program (BEP) due to passage of the Tennessee Investment Student Achievement (TISA) Act.  There have been no                             changes to this item since first reading.

             D.          Educator Evaluation Policy 5.201     
                           Final reading of item to update the achievement measure list for educator evaluation.  There have been minor changes to                                 this item since first reading.

             E.           Fiscal Capacity Formula Review and Approval Rule 0520-01-02-.33        
                            Final reading of a new rule establishing the timeline for the Comptroller's periodic review of the Fiscal Capacity Formula,                                    and a process for how requests for changes to the formula can be evaluated by the Board and the Comptroller’s office.                                      There have been changes to this item since first reading.

             F.            Universal Student Screeners and State Adopted Benchmark Assessments Rule 0520-01-03-.15                                                                                                 Final reading of item to revise the Universal Student Screeners and State Adopted Benchmark Assessments Rule 0520-01-                                03-.15 to update the definition of pre-test for the purposes of summer programming.  There have been minor changes to                                  this item since first reading. 

             G.           Educator Licensure – Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Rule 0520-02-03-.09                                                                                          Final reading of revisions to the License Denial, Formal Reprimand, Suspension, and Revocation Rule in compliance with                                     recently-passed legislation.  Non-substantive changes have been made to this item since first reading.

             H.           Educator Preparation Rule 0520-02-04-.02, -.04, -.07, -.09 and -.10     
                            Final reading of item to revise various rules to allow Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) to form partnerships with                                          Charter Management Organizations (CMOs).  No changes have been made to this item since first reading.

             I.             Occupational Educator Scholarship Program Rule 0520-02-05-.02 through -.05    
                            Final reading of item to revise Occupational Educator Scholarship Rule 0520-02-05-.02 through -.05 to clarify language                                        regarding repayment of scholarship and align the maximum scholarship amount to recently passed legislation.  There have                              been minor changes to this item since first reading.

             J.             Charter Schools Governing Body Training Approval Rule 0520-14-01-.07    
                            Final reading of item to make necessary changes in response to changes in law.  There have been changes to this item since                              first reading.

             K.           High School Policy 2.103    
                            Final reading of item to revise High School Policy 2.103 to align with Public Chapter 269 of the 2023 legislative session. This                                item proposes a list of high school courses for which LEAs and public charter schools may create credit exams and set                                        qualifying scores to award students graduation credit without the student being enrolled in the course. There have been                                    changes to this item since first reading.

             L.             Educator Preparation Providers (EPP) and Speciality Area Programs (SAP) Approvals   
                             First and final reading of item to recommend EPPs and SAPs for approval after comprehensive review. This item includes                                   recommendations for Trevecca Nazarene University, Bethel University, Fisk University, and Sumner County Schools.
                                                   Trevecca                                 Bethel                                Fisk                                Sumner County     

V.          Automatic Teacher License Actions

              A.           Automatic Teacher License Actions – Revocation & Permanent Revocation

VI.         Teacher License Discipline Actions

              A.           Lacy Baines – Suspension, Two (2) Years with Proof of Treatment

              B.           Alexis Buglio – Suspension, Retroactive, Two (2) Months

              C.           William Carter – Voluntary Surrender

              D.          Sanford Graves – Suspension, Retroactive, One (1) Month - This item was removed at the Board Meeting for harsher discipline

              E.           Mary Gunter – Formal Reprimand

              F.           Blake Lyons – Formal Reprimand

              G.          Joseph Malone – Formal Reprimand

              H.          Lucianna McKenzie – Formal Reprimand

               I.          Christopher Pope – Formal Reprimand

               J.           Sara Pruitt – Formal Reprimand

              K.          Linda Quinones – Voluntary Surrender

              L.          Matthew Runyan – Suspension, One (1) Year

              M.        David Shine – Suspension, Six (6) Months with Professional Development

              N.         Michelle Tamburo – Suspension, Concurrent with Ohio

              O.         Todd Vinson – Voluntary Surrender    

              P.          Brian Whitmore – Suspension, Three (3) Months

VII.       Adjournment